Nap Gone Wild.

I slept 14 HOURS last night. Yes, 14.

This is a big deal because I never sleep that much. I usually sleep 5 hours at night, then a nice 3-4 hour nap during the day to keep me going. And it was supposed to be a nap! Apparently my mom TRIED to wake me up but I argued, which I don't remember.
The other odd thing was I didn't have nearly as many missed texts as I would have expected, I was expecting one from Itsuma, and this other person...and a call from someone else..but my phone did shut off and it never shows missed calls from that...anyhoo I'm rambling.

The reason I haven't posted in awhile is because I've been SUPER busy with 4H (projects for the county fair). It's been going....well the first day of judging was great, the second, not so much. We'll see about tommorow.

4H also means I haven't had much time for work on here, but I have a wallpaper planned, writing to do, and an amv to finish and of course stuff for so as soon as I can you'll be seeing much from me!

1. What's the most you've ever slept?
2. How much sleep do you usually get a night?
