Canadian Keychains

Hi everybody! I have alot to talk about, but I don't want to bore you all too much so I'll try to keep it short.

As many of you know I'm sure, I ended up having wifi at camp (it was at a college, so not too suprising). I was very happy about that. And although I usually hate camp, this camp was actually pretty fun, I learned alot for my writing and met some awesome people. Maybe I'll even go back next year (if I can)!

In the college gift shop I bought this awesome cat keychain that meows when you press it. Thought you might like to know that...I also bought another keychain from the school, and later, an I love New York and also a Canadian Moose keychain.. Am I unintenionally starting a collection? hmmm....

Today I went to Niagra falls (pic below). I've been there before, but that was ten years ago! There were lots of seagulls. Right now I'm in Canada! We're not really doing much here, we just went to the Canadian side of the falls, to this restaurant, and we have this safari tommorow. The guy at the Canadian entrance was all like "Why are you coming to Canada?" "Do you have firearms?" blah blah.

Tommorow we go to Michigan after the safari, stay there for two nights, and then I go home. I'm excited to return to my normal sleep schedule (naps and staying up as last as possible), and see everyong again.

Thanks for reading!

1. Do you like keychains?
2. Have you been to a waterfall of some kind?
