just a world about everything happening in my life and about some things that I find interesting

stupid schedules

Just logged in after taekwondo training. My leg hurts a little but this time I didn't push myself too much. I missed training a lot so I was really excited!

But the fun stopped when I found out that the day after June 14 (taekwondo finals) will be the start of classes in our school. GODDAMMIT!!! What kind of a schedule is that???... It got worse when I found out that our shift will be 12:30 until 7:40 p.m. ANOTHER GODDAMMIT!!!! How the hell am I supposed to take a rest after the taekwondo competition? This is getting on my nerves.

Anyways just have fun with my brain teasers and let me know if you're smarter than a fifth grader.

The New Administration

May 10, 2010 National Elections made a change in Philippine history as it is the first automated election held nationwide.

Today June 9 is also another historical day since this marks the proclamation of Senator Benigno Simeon “Noynoy” Cojuangco Aquino III as President-elect of the Philippines and Makati Mayor Jejomar “Jojo” Cabauatan Binay as Vice President-elect of the Philippines.

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Vice President-elect Jejomar Binay

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President-elect Noynoy Aquino

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Binay and Aquino as the new administration

Noynoy is the standard-bearer of the Liberal Party. He is also the only son of the late former President Corazon “Cory” Aquino and late former Senator Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino, Jr. who were both Philippine Icons of Democracy and known for the 1986 EDSA People Power Revolution.

Binay is currently the mayor of Makati City. He is the President of the United Oposition, Partido Demokratiko Pilipino-Lakas ng Bayan (PDP-Laban) and Boy Scouts of the Philippines (BSP).

Noynoy and Binay will held an oath-taking this coming June 30 as the 15th President and 15th Vice President of the Republic of the Philippines.

The future of the Filipinos lay in their hands. Will they be able to make a better Philippines? We’ll find it out once they’re officially in position.

taekwondo semi-finals news

Last June 6, taekwondo semi-finals were held. I wasn't present since I had to stay at home and let my leg rest. I've got two good news:

1. Our team won and will be proceeding to the finals. Yaaaayyyyy!!!!!!
2. I will be able to join the finals since my leg is finally in good condition, but I'll start training this Thursday so my leg won't be "shocked".

For now. please enjoy my post brain teasers. Just scroll down and have fun!

brain teasers

I call this post of mine...
Sketchy Perspective: Open Up Your Mind

Its just a set of brain teasers that I found in a book. Alright, just wanna challenge how active your brain cells are. I'll reveal the answers in next time.

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krissy and ericka

Just wanna share things about Krissy and Ericka. A duo of angelic faces and voices. Krissy is the main vocals, while Ericka provides back-up and additional chords. Ericka is my favorite because I like her voice (and my friends say that I look like her).

When I was searching (in YouTube) for the female and male rendition of Bad Romance used in Marcelo Santos’ “backstage” a musical love story, I stumbled upon this vid by krissysings. I loved their fast rendition of the song (even though their version is not what I’m looking for). Just wanna share their lovely voices (and faces!). I also found out that they make renditions of different songs which also sounds good.

For this one, I heard this song on radio way back in March this year. I’m trying to find the singers but its a little hard since neither of my friends knew who the singers were. But when I watched some of the vids of krissysings, I found out that they were recording artists and are actually the singers of this Runaway song (originally sung by The Corrs). I got hooked to this song and even used it as inspiration in my Natsu and Lucy wallpaper.

Go to krissysings's Channel on YouTube for more of their vids.
Be updated to Krissy and Ericka on Facebook.