Death to The Heart:

Continued From: Frozen In Time

Aizen entered the eight espada's lab. He needed not ask where Kita was. He only followed her reiatsu to her whereabouts. When he rounded the corner he saw her sitting to the floor. Her head lowered, her wrist and ankles chained and the chain attached to the wall. When he opened the door to her cell he watched as she sprung to her feet and lunged toward him; only to be brought to an abrupt stop by her confinement of the chains. A smirk crossed his face.

"You look good in chains, my dear."

Again he watched as Kita struggled against her confinement.

"This won't take long, Kita my dear. Soon you will be back with your master and back to training full time. Think how relieved this will make him when you are just like him."

Slowly Aizen moved toward her stopping just outside the reach of her chains.


Kita stood back with her head lowered, but kept a very watchful eyes on Aizen. Just a few more steps and she could wrap her nimble fingers around his neck with the chain and choke him to death.

However, he stopped just outside her reach.

"Are you afraid of me, Aizen?" She asked him at a low growl. Her eyes glaring out at him from under her hair.

Aizen laughed at her and stepped forward. As he expected Kita lunged at him again. The chain attached to her left arm was brought up and over his head to wrap around his neck. He was amazed at her speed and accuracy with her movements. But then again she was trained by Ulquiorra. She should be quick and deadly.

However, she was no match for Aizen. He grabbed her by the throat with one hand as the other grabbed the chain removing it from coming down around his neck. Then in one motion he dropped the chain and plunged his hand deep into her chest where her heart was. Kita’s eyes widened as his hand penetrated her chest; however, Kita still came at Aizen like a crazed demon. A brilliant golden light filled the room as Aizen’s hand entered her body and exited on the other side.

His eyes narrowed as he saw his hand empty. So distracted by the fruitless attempted to remove her heart he did not realize Kita had wrapped the chain around his neck once more. Suddenly her strong legs kicked off him as she held tight to the chain. Kita went left as Aizen went right. The chain stopping him quickly as he saw Kita standing then gave the chain one swift jerk. Aizen grabbed the chain around his neck to keep it from snapping his neck, he fell face first to the cell floor. Quickly he recovered going to warp the chain around his hand; however, Kita started whipping the chain in a circular motion as the chain unwrapped from his neck and kept Aizen from wrapping it around his hand. The chain then snaked moving in behind him it wrapped around his legs. Kita jerked the chain once more, pulling Aizen’s feet from under him causing him to fall back hitting the back of his head on the floor.

At this point Aizen was highly displeased. He grabbed the chain and jerked Kita forward. His hand drawn back and then brought forward across her face when she was close enough. Aizen jerked on the chain in Kita’s decent pulling her back toward him. He grabbed her around the neck and jerked on her again. The chains that held her to the wall snapped tight as Kita screamed as her left shoulder and left knee dislocated.

“If I cannot remove your heart. Then the only thing left to do is beat you into submission.”

Aizen struck her again, again and again. Kita helpless in defending herself as he beat broke and bloodied her body and face. He kicked, punched and shoved his hand through her body. In the end Aizen was standing over her as she was on all fours in front of him. Kita could no longer hold up her head as he drew back his leg and kicked her in the ribs lifting her from the floor, placing her into the wall.

There her body cracked the marble wall and she slid to the floor to rest in a bloody heap of flesh. Kita was lifeless and barely breathing as Aizen walked over to her and grabbed the bloody silver hair that covered her head.

He lifted her head looking down at her. Her sapphire blue eyes black and swollen shut. Her mouth busted open in three place as blood trickled from the wounds. Her body was blood covered, her uniform rip and barely hanging on her body. Only the blood held it in place. Her left arm and leg looked like twisted pieces of meat from the dislocations and broken bones she acquired. Aizen drew close to her ear not sure if she was conscious or not as he whispered softly to her.

“I am your lord, your master, your king and your God. Remember that Kita, and you will live a long life here in Las Noches.”

He dropped her head hearing a thud as it hit the marble floor. He turned from her and left her there bleeding and near death.

Kita was dead or at least wished she was. Tears ran from her swollen eyes burning the cuts and wounds on her face. Her mind on one thought…

"Was this really worth it."

Finally, she blacked out.

Toshiro watched over Kita as she slept. As much as it hurt him to see her like this he knew there was nothing he could do. He place a gentle hand on her shoulder. He doubt that she could feel it though, but at least her heart was safe.

Continued To: The Truth is Revealed
