Affiliation: Las Noches | Rank: Eighth Espada | Zanpakuto Name: Fornicarás

Ujikiyo's Enhancement

*grinning widely walking into lab* A new subject. I can't wait to get my hands on him. I have been feeling his reiatsu since he stepped into the Palace. Such excitement I can't contain myself.

*grabs lab coat calling for two of my strongest fractions* You two come with me. We have someone to pick up. *grins walking from the room as my two fraction follow*

((Ujikiyo PM me as soon as you can so we can come up an idea.))

Undying Secret

While in his lab cleaning Szayel came across some old papers from a few years back. Thumbing through them slowly to see what he should and should not keep (going more by what creations were dead and what ones were still alive). Szayel came across some papers that struck his interest. He pulled them from the stack and was reading over them carefully. Finally, so in depth with what he was reading he took a seat on the stool next to him.

“How could this be? Could this be possible?”

He flips through a few more pages, “So this is what lord Aizen has been hiding about Kita?” he slowly flipped a few pages back reading again. He started to laugh, “I always knew there was something about her.”

A wicked grin came across his face as he continued to read. “I can’t believe I over looked this when she was created. What is lord Aizen going to be doing with her?”

Szayel quickly got to his feet headed straight to a large metal box. He took Kita’s papers and placed them on the bottom so no one else would be able to find them. He then placed the box back under the counter where it had always been, “a secret that will die with me and lord Aizen.”