Vegitable/Fruit Tournament

It is once again the time of year when everybody is tournamnet crazed. So, to help you, and me aleviate your need for tournaments, I created a random Vegitable/Fruit tournament. I have 64 vegitables and fruits, seeded by me, according to whim and fancy. I ask you to submit your vote in comment form, by typing the names of each fruit/veggie you vote for in a vertical list: ex.: Name

I will tally the votes and advance the winners on my bracket. So I'll begin wiht 8 of the 32 matches in Round one. Hope you like it!

(1)Carrot vs. (16)Leek

(8)Beet vs. (9) Shallot

(5) Sweet Potato vs. (12) Asparagus

(4)Cucumber vs. (13)Squash

(6)Pumpkin vs. (11)Peas

(3)Sweet Corn(different from regular corn) vs. (14)Artichoke

(7)Lettuce vs. (10)Radish

(2)Celery vs. (15)Brussel Sprouts

Thats all for now. Yes, I know, I have way too much time on my hands.
