Facing demons

Sorry for the late post. I've been a scatter brain lately and I blame Aeirin SIN LORD OF SLOTH for my laziness *IS SHOT*

The Priestess Ariana and her demon butler joined the three ghost hunters (plus Tarot Card Spirit) to investigate the school.

“Thank you for inviting us along in the first place.” Ariana said shyly

“No problem.” Ryuu and Aisling replied.

As they walked down a hallway Ryuu and Emiko started talking to each other. Aisling hung back to give them some privacy.

Ever since realizing her angel powers her Empathy powers grew much stronger. As always she could pick up the emotions of people she knew and right now she could since Ryuu's and Emiko's feelings for each other and Aisling felt a bit embarrassed. She didn't like sensing emotions that were private and had nothing to do with her. She hadn't figured out how to shut her Emotion sensors off. So she tried to distracted herself by converse with Ariana and Christian.

"Miss Ariana did you just spiritual cleansed the school tonight?" Aisling asked the Priestess

Ariana looked surprised and nodded. "Yes I did. How did you know?"

"I noticed the atmosphere around the school was cleaner." Aisling explained. "Thats amazing you could exorcised so many ghosts in one night. I've met a couple of Exorcists before but they weren't really spiritually gifted and some of them were frauds."

"Cursed con artists," Puck muttered. "Just like that half baked magician."

Aisling glanced at Puck and frowned at his comment.

"What do you mean Magician?" Ariana asked Puck curiously.

The group stopped at a crossroad Emiko said "I think we should divide into groups that way we can cover more ground."

"That sounds like a good idea," Ariana said.

Ryuu was already walking away from them down a different hallway.

“Puck go with Ryuu, just to make sure.” Aisling said to her tarot card spirit.

“Why do I have to go with him?” He complained

“I promise I’ll be fine on my own.” Ryuu said

“You heard the little demon, he doesn’t need me.” said Puck

Ryuu glared at Puck “What did you just call me you little pixy?”

“Hey I’m not a pixy I’m a Page thank you.” Puck huffed crossing his arms and turning his back to Ryuu.

“Can’t you two get along?” Emiko sighed shaking her head.

“Come on Puck.” Ryuu grabbed Puck out of the air and placed him on his head like a hat. "You two be careful," He said as he walked away.

"What the hell Ryuu?!" Puck said. He was really getting tired of being snatched up like a doll. If only he wasn't so small.

"We will," Emiko and Aisling said as Ryuu left Aisling said,"So which way do you want to start?"

Aizling felt something fly past over her head fast like a frizzbee and heard something go 'fwap!'. "What was that?"

“Miss Aisling, I believe the answer you’re looking for is on my face.”

“Christian, what the hell are you talking—?” Ariana stopped dead and Aisling turned to look at Christian.

Puck was squashed against Christian's face. He looked like the Halloween decoration of the witch doll slam into a wall. “Oooooooowwww…”

Ariana burst out laughing and Emiko joined in. Aisling covered her mouth to hide her smile

Christian lifted Puck up by his tiny shirt and looked at the fairy spirit with a blank face “Well now Puck, would you be so kind as to explain what caused you to land on my face?”

“Let go of me you big meanie! Release the Page of Wands at once or else I will punch your lights out!” Puck yelled wiggling in Christian's grasp.

“Please keep in mind Puck,” Christian said with an amiable smile, “that you’re only seven or eight inches tall.”

“Why you—!”

“Just tell us what happened,” Emiko interrupted.

“This demon woman called Aeirin showed up out of nowhere to harm Ryuu and when I bravely placed myself in harm’s way she shot some kind of energy at me that made me fly backwards into you! There,” Puck huffed and continued wriggling.

“Thank you,” Christian said releasing Puck.

“Ryuu!” Emiko called out and ran down the hallways towards Ryuu.

“Come on, we need to help him if he’s hurt!” Aisling said running after Emiko with Puck flying by her head.

They ran down the dark hallways and found Ryuu but no demon.

Emiko stop beside Ryuu, "Ryuu! Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine you just missed Aeirin," Ryuu said. "Hey Puck are you alright?"

"Of course! Something like that can't hurt me!" Puck said laughing light heartedly. "But you missed my epic face plant on that demon butler's face."


"You had to have been there."

YaaaaaAAAAAA!!!!! I finally finished. And theres a bit of action since at the end.
I hope it was okay
Continue please?
EDIT: Turns out I messed up on the last part o.O; but I fix it. now I feel better :P
