Welcome to Pandora's Acadamy. Its a "lively" little place with lots to do. The only thing we don't have is a library...yes, well, whatever.

At Pandora you do the same thing, go home, do homework, then go to bed. Every day life. Its what everyone does. But maybe it dosn't satisfy you. Maybe something is lacking. Or you had something but now its gone. Maybe you just want things more intresting. Well what if you wandared upon a secret library in Pandora Acadamy that supposidly didn't exist. And you had a chance to make one wish come true...but with a price.

What It's All About

Elements and Skills

Contract (In Written Form)

Point System

Sign up Form

Misaki Shimizu Alicie Lvl 17
Class: Innocent Curiosity
Aoi Yamazaki Otakugirl150 Lvl 30
Class: Shadows 2

Airi Takami Rosie Chan Lvl 33
Class: Seraphym 2

Aibori Dumbrinsky Cookie Monstress Lvl 14
Class: Raven

We ALSO need some big, tall ROCKY compition here under this spirit!!! SHOW SOME LOVE PEOPLE!!!!!!! - ZtG

Oz Hale RedWolves Lvl 22 UPDATE
Class: Dynamite

WE Need Some SPASHIN' Character's UNDER these poor, lonly spirits! - ZtG!!!!!!!!

Shinawa Yukina FantasyVocaloid Lvl 5 Probationary
Class: Mist

Matoko Kuromi Full Metal Luka Lvl 10
Class: Dangerously Curious
Bason Watanabe Itachiweasle Lvl 25
Class: Visionary


Nagai Neumi ZelostheGreat Lvl 18
Class: Vile

Now sign the Contract.

First Contest:
Okay! SO the first contest. The goal is to draw a picture of your Chara in their combat outfit. So when their in Pandora, thats what they'll be wearing most of the time. But wait! Theres more~! You also have to draw what their Spirit/Element looks like.

Goal: Draw Chara and Spirit.

Posting pic: All you have to do is add the image on a post and post it in Pandora's Library. Be sure to link it to a new page cause it most likely will be big.

Winners/Prizes: There will be three winners. Sadly you guys don't get medals that go on your profile because this is only a world contest BUT you do get...

1st Place: Gift, 10,000 points (AKA 10 levels. Definetly would be ahead of everyone else.), and a request on a wallpaper or card.

2nd Place: Gift, 5,000 points (AKA 5 levels), and a request on a wallpaper or card.

3rd Place: Gift, 5,000 points (AKA 5 levels)

Guess what! The contest is over!!!!! Now im not going to pick the winners. No no no. That would be unfair. You guys are. Just pm me your vote. You can always switch it if you change you mind. I will not announce the winners untill everyone had voted. Also you can not vote for youself.

Good luck on winning!!!!!
Current submissions: Aoi and Yakan
Yukina and Winter
Aibori and Spirit
Yosuke and Kai
Misaki and Devan (2 Parts)
Airi and Luna


AHHH!!!! I wanted to scream but that wouldn't be very manly of me now would it?
After a girl had an Asthma attack. Suddenly everyone came and I was pushed inside the circle where i couldn't get out. Izumi came down and helped the girl very calmly. Although Bason had to sacrifice his lunch bag. Eventually when she was all better the crown dispersed.
Izumi helped her up. I don't think i've ever met her before. "Hello. My name is Oz." She introduced herself as Yukina. I bowed and said "Pleasure to meet you Yu-Yu."
"Its Yukina." She corrected.
"Nope its Yu-Yu." I smiled.
Airi then inturrupted my moment and asking if she was allright. She glared at me. Then continued talking with Yukina. Why. Scary.
I noticed a few new people came and joined the crowd. Matoko and Misaki also introduced themselfs. Matoko and Misaki. Misaki and Matoko.
I started chuckling. Isa and Tomo. "What?" They asked.
"Nothing." I grinned mischieviously. Then someone punched me.
"Hey you know the bell just rang." Someone said.

"See you guys tomorrow." I said. First day of school for moi turned out pretty well.


I was still in the crowd but then i heard someone scream about something happening I went to where it came from and saw a girl with brown hair and green eyes on the floor I walked over to her then I noticed a violin case on the floor I was guessin...

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Misaki~ Rush

Misaki~ I was walking around the school aimlessly when Matoko ran straight into me. She stumbled backward and fell on the floor. "whoa there" I said; I offered her my hand "there's no need to rush you got plenty of time" I smiled "Th...

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when me and airi came back we saw a girl running up the stairs fast enough to make it dangerous then she fell izumi and oz went to go help her and someone was following behind them they helped her get up and izumi gave her a paper bag to help her breathe me and airi ran over airi gasped "is she ok?" asked airi "yeah she should be fine" said izumi "is there anything we can do to help?"i asked "we got it" said oz "hm ok" i said i wondered what her name was but i decided to wait to ask

I'm Soooo Stunned... - ZtG

Izumi (my t is lagging, so if anything that has one doesn't have one, DEAL) Wow. People were popping up all over the place. Sooner than never, Bason had appeared and I sighed. He asked for details and I mustered up evough gall o say: ...

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