Welcome to Pandora's Acadamy. Its a "lively" little place with lots to do. The only thing we don't have is a library...yes, well, whatever.

At Pandora you do the same thing, go home, do homework, then go to bed. Every day life. Its what everyone does. But maybe it dosn't satisfy you. Maybe something is lacking. Or you had something but now its gone. Maybe you just want things more intresting. Well what if you wandared upon a secret library in Pandora Acadamy that supposidly didn't exist. And you had a chance to make one wish come true...but with a price.

What It's All About

Elements and Skills

Contract (In Written Form)

Point System

Sign up Form

Misaki Shimizu Alicie Lvl 17
Class: Innocent Curiosity
Aoi Yamazaki Otakugirl150 Lvl 30
Class: Shadows 2

Airi Takami Rosie Chan Lvl 33
Class: Seraphym 2

Aibori Dumbrinsky Cookie Monstress Lvl 14
Class: Raven

We ALSO need some big, tall ROCKY compition here under this spirit!!! SHOW SOME LOVE PEOPLE!!!!!!! - ZtG

Oz Hale RedWolves Lvl 22 UPDATE
Class: Dynamite

WE Need Some SPASHIN' Character's UNDER these poor, lonly spirits! - ZtG!!!!!!!!

Shinawa Yukina FantasyVocaloid Lvl 5 Probationary
Class: Mist

Matoko Kuromi Full Metal Luka Lvl 10
Class: Dangerously Curious
Bason Watanabe Itachiweasle Lvl 25
Class: Visionary


Nagai Neumi ZelostheGreat Lvl 18
Class: Vile

Now sign the Contract.

First Contest:
Okay! SO the first contest. The goal is to draw a picture of your Chara in their combat outfit. So when their in Pandora, thats what they'll be wearing most of the time. But wait! Theres more~! You also have to draw what their Spirit/Element looks like.

Goal: Draw Chara and Spirit.

Posting pic: All you have to do is add the image on a post and post it in Pandora's Library. Be sure to link it to a new page cause it most likely will be big.

Winners/Prizes: There will be three winners. Sadly you guys don't get medals that go on your profile because this is only a world contest BUT you do get...

1st Place: Gift, 10,000 points (AKA 10 levels. Definetly would be ahead of everyone else.), and a request on a wallpaper or card.

2nd Place: Gift, 5,000 points (AKA 5 levels), and a request on a wallpaper or card.

3rd Place: Gift, 5,000 points (AKA 5 levels)

Guess what! The contest is over!!!!! Now im not going to pick the winners. No no no. That would be unfair. You guys are. Just pm me your vote. You can always switch it if you change you mind. I will not announce the winners untill everyone had voted. Also you can not vote for youself.

Good luck on winning!!!!!
Current submissions: Aoi and Yakan
Yukina and Winter
Aibori and Spirit
Yosuke and Kai
Misaki and Devan (2 Parts)
Airi and Luna

Oz: Camping

When we got back to camp, Kata nodded and disappated in thin air. Like a candle being blown out. My mission was to find his other half right? I almost forgot. But did that mean like, his actually other half, or like his mate, other half. I'll think that over later.

I jumped off Akuma and layed Airi by the river. She was still unconsious. Most of her blood had soaked into my cloths so they looked like they were dyed red. Aibori and Aoi helped me clean what we could. We were exactly going to take her cloths off...

But once we were finished cleaning a wound as thoroughly as we could, the material would swe itself over. I hoped my cloths would do that. Once we were done, I carried her over by a tree and set her down. I sat down next to her. I wish I had like a blanket or something. I looked in my pockets for the first time. All sorts a things were in there including the birds we had caught earlier. And surprisingly, I found a brigh red blanket. Those pockets must be magical.

Once I had spread the blanket over her, I set to making a fire nearby so Airi could get warmer. It was done in seconds and I started cooking the birds.

Misaki~ Fire


To be honest I thought I would be walking. But I was absolutely thrilled to find myself riding on a wolf all ablazed. It was so warm. Gosh why can't Devan turn into a cool animal like this! Or maybe he has some other neat talent.Hmm I probably should start looking for his prison soon. We were all speeding through the forest so fast that I was amazed. Me and Oz must have ran pretty far. Soon we were at camp and I wished that I had a camera to take a picture of the look on their face. Matoko and Bason looked like they had seen a ghost... a speechless one... no actually they were speechless not the ghost. Wait do ghost talk? Maybe I'll see one here.

Aww I was Kind of sad that I had to get off... But I thanked Kata and smiled. I believe that made my day. I noticed My Katana had turned into a violin again, so expressing my satisfaction that everyone was alright, I humored them and played a quick little song.

Oz: Safe

When the last of them were gone, we were all so happy. Surprisingly, I wasn't that hurt. Just a light scratch here and there. The others were like that too. In numbers, nothing can stop us! I laughed with everyone else then Airi approached us. Something fluttered behind Airi then disappeared. She smiled at us then collapsed to the ground.
Aibori I ran over to catch her. "Is she okay!" Aoi asked, obviously horrified by all the blood she was leaking. "Its okay, my Lil Cutie. She fainted from lack of blood probaly.
"She can ride Akuma on the way back to camp." I nodded and climbed on, carrying Airi. She looked at me. "What! I need a ride too." Aibori climbed in front of me and took Aoi's hand. Apparently she was going to be dangling again. That left one person who still didn't get a ride.
Misaki looked downwards. "I guess i'll walk."
But then suddenly a flaming red wolf appeared out of no where.
You can ride on me.
"Oh hey there!" I waved with my free hand, my other was making sure Airi stayed on...Akuma and on my lap.
Misaki looked at me horrfied. "Its cool! Thats my spirit. Um...whats your name?"
Kata The flaming wolf replied.
"Go ahead, get on Misa." I said.
"It'll burn me!" She said,
I'll lower my temperature.
Slowly she got on. The wolf was bigger than the average wolf so she had to pull herself on. She smiled. "It's like a warm blanket.

And on that note, we were off. Hopefully Bason wasn't to worried.

Aibori - battle over

The beast ahd put up quite a fight but They were no match for Oz. He hacked them down before they had a chance too do anything. After we had all taken down a couple ourselves we all clapped out hands and hugged in happiness. We had won our first fight!
"Oz you did great!"I said Giving him a death hug! "You really defended Airi well back there!" Realizing we still had yet too help Airi I jumped up and ran over to her as she sat on the ground bleeding. Her white wings flapping happily on her back.

"Are you ok Airi?!" I asked her while hugging her. Blood got on me but i didnt care.

Airi: Help...

I felt pain immediately. Before I could even take off my bow they attacked. I ran to the wall where something was glowing. I tried to reach for it but something scraped down my arm. I screamed. The pain didn't let up when another cut my face. I was getting pushed up onto a little stage where the glowing light was. I pulled out my winged bow and tried to sweep them aside. I couldn't leave untill I got that glowing light. When something stabbed my stomach I felt small tugs on my back. It was the wierdest thing. Suddenly, the creatures were gone. They weren't attacking me anymore but a blur of red. It was Oz! And somehow her managed to get those stupid swords. The swords were on fire and the creatures now attacking the treat in numbers. But they couldn't touch him. Then Misaki, Aibori, Aoi and that strange cat came to help. They were using their own weapons. But somehow I felt bad. Bason was still at camp. Why didn't they bring him along? Maybe he was holding down the fort? I shook my head. I shouldn't be thinking about that.

I looked around the cave. The glowing light was at the very back of the room. The cave was strange. It grew steeper and then dropped again forming a cliff. I was at the steeping part Where the creatures protecting it? I started to climb down but my footing slipped. This was not my day. I was expecting to come crashing down but when I looked again, I was coming down slowly. I turned around and gasped. Beautiful white wings kept me in the air. But then they stopped flapping and I came down on my feet. I lunged for the glowing orb and tried to make the wings lift me in the air again. They only lifted me about a foot off the ground but oh well.

When I had climbed back up, they were all there laughing a slapping hands.