If four worlds are too many i apologize... but my beloved land of Oz needs a Renaissance, in a matter of words. So, welcome, traveler from beyond the rainbow, welcome, to Oz...
(Oh, yeah, and read from the first post)

Enter: Skare

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Skare watched the crow as it made its lazy descent, a small silver bell around its neck tinkling softly. He scanned the horizon, and raised his hand.
"I sense there's something in the wind, Nevermore," he said as the black bird rested on him. "It feels like tragedy's at hand..."
Skare searched his mind for possible reasons, but couldn't find a satisfying answer.Well, then, i guess we're in for a surprise... He grinned, in spite of his suspicions.

Enter: Dorothy

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Dorothy opens her eyes. I'm...back? But how?She looks around. She reaches for the Grimiore. It's not there. Skare... I need to find Skare!
Something was wrong in Oz...