Jack's Origins

"Hello, Oogie." I grimaced, crossing my arms. "I thought I'd ask what you're up to." He tossed his head back and laughed, bugs pouring out of his mouth.

"I was hopin' you'd ask!" he cackled, and I was worried. "Well, oh wonderful Pumpkin King, I have... plans for you and yer lil' do-gooder ways. C'mere, boys!" Lock, Shock, and Barrel, the pranksters, stumbled up beside him.

"Yes, Mr. Oogie?" the three chirped.

"Remember our little... plan?" Oogie asked, and they nodded. "Well... GO ON THEN!"

They jumped and pulled open a plastic bag; releasing ghosts and skeletons bent on attacking me. I knew I shouldn't put up with this, but, being the Pumpkin King... wait a second! And then I knew that it was time to bring the scare back. I pulled down the corners of my mouth and screamed.

The ghosts and skeletons disinegrated in front of me, and I brushed my hands together.

"Anything else to say, Oogie...?" I asked threateningly, and he shook his head.

"Uhm... can we forgive and forget, Bone Man? I mean, it's only a lil' friendly competition, y'know?" he laughed nervously, backing up and tripping over a root.

I was still glaring at him, then, after realising he was just a bag of bugs, I walked back into town, He wasn't worth my time...