So, is a backstory needed?

I haven't done any backstories yet D: I'm surprised. I love doing backstories! Especially for Caitta, she has such a past that I can completely make up because she doesn't remember any of it XD Though that is sad, I had Sou(when they first met) say something that made her realize it's ok. I believe that was~

"It's better you don't remember them. If the friends you had before met you know, but you knew about the deaths of your mother and sister, they would be worse off than they would be as you are. If one friend is depressed it affects everyone around them. So don't feel bad ^^ You can always make friends with them again."

Something like thaat, he's good with advice I would say...maybe if I find the email I did that in.....

Yes! We do emails as well! When Kyan was on a two-week vacation overseas(without international service) I did my first Fanfic email, it was really long ^^; If I find it I'll post it. Simple as that.

Anyway, I've been thinking about doing a backstory for someone...either Bret, Caitta/Kyan, or Aise. The Bret one has been on my mind for the majority of the past two days. It's pretty developed, so I might do that one....

But earlier I was thinking; I haven't done any specific writing for Saki's accident. Realizing this, I really need to do something for her.

Saki or Bret

Bret or Saki

>.< must decide!
