
Yep, so Kyan's gone off somewhere and didn't bring her phone(or something else, it doesn't really matter) and she isn't responding. I'm bored, so I'll do some fanfic all by myself. *sighs* so alooone -.-

*a little while later*
an:*in one of y's shirts* ....
c: better ^^
an: um, alright *unsure of what to do*
Kaly(kk):*walks into dinning hall* hello!
c: hai Kaly!
k: hiiii
ki: hey
an: .....
kk: oh hello! you must be new!
an: no...
kk: hm?
c: this is Aki!!
c: my cat...Aki...I've had him since I've been here...
kk: I know who Aki is, but he's a- oh
l:*sweat drop* ahaha...
kk: you turned him into a person
l: ....kinda
kk: why?
l: he looked like Caitta...
kk: don't you want to go back to being a cat?
an: not really
c: you didn't like being my cat?
an: it was ok, but being a human is cool! There's so many more things I can do now!
kk: true
an: I'm still you're cat though
c:*eyes widen* really??
an: mhm ^^
c: yay!!!

Reminder to self- once TG is done Aise's annoying old aunt comes to see her, Aise hates this aunt and stands staring *in shock* at her. Also Licten comes from America Branch (which was a 30 text long intro fanfic I did over the actual TG that is now gone).
