Hi, I'm Kelsey.
I'm 20 and a Junior at James Madison University!
Graphic Design major class of 2016.
I work as a fitness assistant at my school's gym :)
This world is basically random things that happen to me and whatnot.
I don't usually update frequently but I do come on this website often.

Well, that's me :)

My interests include but are not limited to:
-Gaming [I mostly play World of Warcraft]
-Working out
-One Tree Hill

Any more information about me you can gather by reading my posts :) Enjoy reading about my strange life!

FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER, YO. @Kittycat_Kelsey
OR INSTAGRAM. @kittycatkelsey

Warped Tour?

O: OMG my mom said that if I can convince her friend Kim to go with us to Warped Tour in VA beach, THEN WE CAN GO!!!!!!!!!! I'M SO EXCITED! lol but I'm gonna be so dissapointed if we can't go DX
nevershoutnever is gonna play there...NEVERSHOUTNEVER!!!! AHHHH!!!!! Christofer Drew is AMAZING! <333 It would be SO AMAZING if I could get a picture with him!
Gotta get my mom to say yes soon! I hope tickets won't be sold out or anything. I've never been to a concert or thing like this before XD
I just finished my list of bands that I wanna see there!
The Rocket Summer
Artist vs. Poet
Disco Curtis
Hey Monday
The Summer Set
Kelsey and the Chaos
You Me At Six
We Are the in Crowd

So yeah. We're going to my grandparent's house tomorrow and staying there for a week sooo I won't be on at all. Unless Brian decides to be a nice little brother and let me use his lap top hahaha.
Well, I have to go now and pack.
Bye everyone!


My Fatal Frame 4 game came in the mail yesterday! YES!!!!!! I'm gonna play it tonight with Bailey and maybe Spencer if he's finished packing for some camp he's going to. I've played it maybe 30 mins so far. It's interesting. I'm a little more freaked out while playing this one than with the other games for some reason. I don't really like how you move the flashlight in this game. Fragile Dream did better with the flashlight movement than in this game definately. I don't like how you move the camera really either. I'm only fought 2 ghosts but like you move the camera with the nunchuk but you can also move it by pointing the Wiimote and I don't really like that cause when a ghost is coming at you, the last thing you want to worry about is accidentally moving the wiimote the wrong way and BAM you miss the ghost and it kills you lol
My phone vidrated when I was playing it and I jumped XD Wasn't expecting it...even though I had just texted Bailey a few minutes before lol

My mom is also thinking about getting me a new photoshop :D (I'm using Photoshop Elements 4.0 right now and IT SUCKS lol) I'll finally have A PEN TOOL <333 YAY! And a history brush and all the other awesome things in photoshop and I don't have atm XD

Well, dinner is ready so I have to go now.

LIKE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is out clip for the The Office fanisode!!

Click the facebook connect button (if you have one) and then click 'like' to like the video! If we get the most likes then we're in the video!!! PLEASE LIKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NBC messed this up somehow cause our audio doesn't match up withthe video and the file on our computer is perfectly fine. >_< THAT MAKES ME SO MAD!!!!
Well anyway, please like this!!

The Office Fanisode!

I have 4-10 more days left until my Fatal Frame 4 game comes! I AM SO EXCITED!
On Tuesday Bailey, Brian (reluctantly), and I are going to film out part for The Office Fanisode!!!
This is the one we're acting :D

I'm gonna be Angela (I need like blonde wig or something XD), Bailey is gonna be Pam, and Brian is going to be Michael! Then we're gonna get some friends to sit in the conference room with us to be like the other people in the office XD
I just informed Brian of this today and...lets just say he wasn't very happy XD He's like "I don't want to be Michael! I don't even want to do this!" I think my mom will make him do it though lol
So when we make it I'll give you all a link and you have to like it OK??? If we get the most likes, our clip gets to be in the fanisode!!!
Then We'll probably go bowling afterwards :D
Thank goodness we're doing this on Tuesday cause our realm on WoW is going to be down for 24 hours that day for realm maintenance O:

ALSO I've been thinking about careers for when I'm older and I think I'm leaning towards more 3D video game animation/art cause I just really love it :D Fatal Frame's graphics I think are what really got me into it and there's Zelda:TP and the Fragile Dreams game I have that have lovely graphics :3

Yeah...Well I just looked at a walkthrough for Fragile Dreams cause I'm stuck and now I know what to do so I'm gonna go play now BYE!

So closeeee

BUT there is one problem....the cheapest game I can find is $68. I have $47 I think not counting change XD
When I finally found the patch I was freaking out I was so excited XD
If something goes wrong and this doesn't work I'm gonna cry!! lol That's my response to everything. I'm always like "If blah blah blah happens I'm gonna cry/laugh/scream!" Haha
Now I have to extract the files and get them to my SD card...I hope I do all of this correctly XD If not I can just download it again.
OMG while the files were downloading I counted my change and I have $67.90 with my change added :D YESSSSSSSS! My mom is like "Well your birthday is coming up..." And I'm like "I can't wait a little less than 3 months! And when am I going to have time to play it during school??"
I just need like $4 for shipping and I'm good to go!
Yayyy. Alright well I'm getting off now!
Bye everyone!