Thread of the Week

Most Controversial Anime

So, is there an anime you've watched that you found highly controversial?

Admittedly I'm not really talking about things like sex or violence (given that copious amounts of either could be considered controversial), but what about actual subject matter? For instance, religion - a subject that quite a few series and films seem to explore on various levels.

And what do you, personally, find to be controversial in an anime? Is there any anime you have avoided watching or stopped watching because the subject matter was just too uncomfortable?

Anime shopping tips?

OB member Udon has started a useful little thread in the Anime Central forum.

Online Anime Stores

Do you have a favourite online store to purchase your anime? Any special tips for online anime shopping?

If so, drop into this thread and add your two cents. As someone who really never buys DVDs online myself, it'd be great to read some of the tips and recommendations that regular shoppers have.

Anime Central Update

The upcoming season is just about upon us... thanks to Shin for making this thread!

Fall '08 Anime Season

Is there anything you're interested in? Economic issues aside, there seem to be more new anime airing with practically every season. In a way, it's amazing that there are enough fans out there to support them.

Anime Central Update

Yay, more recommendations! visualkei is in search of a short series to watch. And by "short," she means shorter than, say, Death Note, which is clearly an excuse for you all to go crazy and recommend every 26-episode show ever made.

"short" anime series

Here's a new anime which, by all accounts, more people should be watching. Um, I'm not going to lie--that includes me. I'll get to it soon, I promise. If I understand correctly, it's officially available to anyone with a PS3.... and not-so-officially available to anyone with an Internet connection.

Xam'd Lost Memories

Anime Central Update

Suggestions Needed!

Everyone loves recommendations--both giving them and getting them. Well, okay, I can't actually speak for everyone, but it sure warms my heart to see someone discover a series that way (and, better yet, end up really liking it). I guess the extra human connection is what makes it fun, hm?