So, I believe in a universe that doesn't care and people who do.

Heyo. It's Orion. This is mostly a journal/ramble world, nothing too exciting. Thanks for dropping by.

About me:

Age: Adult
Nationality: Mexican
Gender: ??? Figuring it out
Pronouns: Trying he/they
Occupation: Person who does numbers.
Other: Hobbies include gaming (badly), reading, playing ukulele (also badly) and attempting to do art.


Mother istg

My mom has this huge cough/cold that has not gone away after about two days. I keep telling her to go get a covid test or sth, but she's like "No, I'm cold, I don't wanna go out."

Mother istg if you get sick and then all of us get sick I will... set something on fire or whatever.


Ok so.

I have a baby sibling. I keep calling them 'baby' but really him are eight years old. It's just weird to see him as anything other than baby though, because there is a literal 20 year gap between us. Anyway, he discovered the first ever Pokémon anime and we are watching it together!

I feel old. I am old. Holy crap.

~ Orion

Kinda bored today?

The thing I needed to get done at work... is not solved yet. But at the very least my supervisor sent me more stuff to do, so I managed to... y'know, not think of it too much for a bit. Lol. So today was a lot more productive than the past 3-4 days at least.

On the other handdd... my mom caught a really bad cold (and before she caught the cold, my dad also did). It's looking like a regular cold, fortunately, but ISTG if either of my parents get covid after two whole years of no one in the house getting it, I am going to spontaneously combust. Or something. Geez.

I guess other than that I have nothing to report. I'm kind of out of games to play atm. I'm putting off finishing The World Ends With You for the time being (I got NEO like, a month ago and I can't wait to play it, but I'm not in TWEWY mood right now). I might give Cuphead a try, even though I'm so, so bad at the bullet hell.

At any rate, that's how my day went. It wasn't half bad.

~ Orion

Work ramble


Hate it when I spend my entire day trying to get one thing done at work and I just cannot.

It doesn't matter that I know I'm doing my best to get it done. It doesn't matter that I'm frying my brain out trying to figure out how to get it done so I can move on to the next thing. It doesn't matter that I keep trying.

It just feels like I'm slacking off.

Doesn't really help that I texted my coworker about it the final (hopefully) time to get her insight on the thing, and she saw the message but didn't respond.

Geez, dude. I know I'm lousy at this but I would have appreciated some input.

Sigh. I'm tired out of my mind.

I think I'm just gonna game a bit and call it a night. It's back to feeling useless at work again first thing tomorrow.

~ Orion

Holy f. It's been a long time.

Uhm. Wow? I haven't been on theOtaku in literal years. Yet somehow I still remember how to navigate the site pretty well lol.

Anyway, my name is Orion, I am... old. I guess. I live in Mexico and I'm just here to bitch about life or something. In all honesty I think I just wanted to ramble about stuff stress-free and this seemed like a legit place to do it. I remember enjoying this place in my teens, who's to say I am not gonna enjoy it now?

ANYWAY don't expect too much excitement from my posts, though. I'm just a person trying their best to like... adult properly.

Glad to meet y'all, cheers!

(Yo btw i'd rather not disclose what my previous username was because like. Uhm. Yeah. Who tf wants to know about my cringy teen takes, right?)