What must be done....

The carriage left Asgard carrying their precious children. Both Thor and Freya stood at the gate and watched until it flew out of sight.

"Do you think their union will help fight it?" Freya questioned Thor, looking deep into his eyes.

"I don't know...I hope so...though a part of me fears this may actually act as the trigger...I pray that I'm wrong..." Thor spoke aloud...more to himself.

"As do I..." Freya expressed. "Modi is one thing...but what lies within Magni....is truly frightful....for while Modi's bane is in the open...Magni's lies in a deep slumber....waiting to...."

"Speak no more on it." Thor quickly silenced her raising his hand. "You only remind me the pain my lineage brings....what I have brought upon my sons unwillingly....how my heart aches..."



As much as I was dreading it...I started to wonder why. We had a good time laughing and reminiscing on the way down to Olympus. Domix was almost depressed when we had to part ways. Taking my forearm, and I his, we shook as the Romans did...looking each other in the eye firmly...a solemn vow between brothers to survive. And then he left.

"Modi really hasn't changed much." Hnoss commented as I stood there where he'd stood only moments before. "Except...he's more accepting now..."

"What?" My eyes narrowed as I turned to look at her.

"Well...he always seemed to be...I don't know, fighting to break free from a shadow. Your shadow Magni." She stated outright. "You had won the favor of many gods at a young age...and Modi...well...he had been left to carry the weight of your shadow. Everyone considered YOU Thor's heir...and Modi had to struggle desperately to prove himself an equal."

"I never considered him any less..."

"I didn't say that." Hnoss interrupted. "It just....happened. It's not your fault."

I sensed someone coming...and I really had no great want to speak with them. So, grabbing Hnoss quickly, I formed a portal and we appeared in the entrance hall of Oblivion. My first priority was to seek out the leader and inform him of the situation. My return, and more importantly, how Hnoss would be here for a few days. Yet before I even stepped forward I heard footfalls rushing down the stairs.

"This is where you live Magni? My...it's a magnificent structure indeed....seemingly...endless..." Hnoss stated glancing around. I found myself not listening...hearing for the footsteps.

"Is that you?! I have to talk with you...." Kyxsha's voice could be heard echoing down the stair well. Until she suddenly appeared at the bottom, "...Ximh....?!" She froze in place when she saw me.

I didn't want to say it....I didn't WANT to say the words to her I knew I HAD to say...what I KNEW I had to do. And yet...if I didn't, Kyxsha would never be able to embrace her happiness. No...I HAD to make her hate me...make her despise me...to drive her to HIM. I clenched my fists.

"Who is this Magni?" Hnoss suddenly addressed stepping out from behind me. "She addressed you just now...did she not? Ximh...that is your other name...Magni?"

"Kyxsha." I said aloud, trying to gain momentum. "She is the Nobody known as Kyxsha, she hails from the world of Agrabah and is a comrade of mine."

"Well met Kyxsha, my name is Hnoss." Hnoss announced with a large and kind smile.

"Ximh...WHO is this woman to you...a FRIEND of your sisters? She has the same...feel..." Kyxsha stated...a firm expression on her face.

"Yes, she is a Goddess from Asgard. However, she isn't a friend of my sisters...she is..."

"Don't say it!" Kyxsha suddenly shouted. I paused...had she somehow heard of my engagement?

"Hnoss...take this portal to my room. I need a moment...please." I instructed. Hnoss looked at me with a worried glance. She nodded slowly and stepped through. "Kyxsha!" I stated forcefully, MAKING her look at me. "Hnoss is my wife. I have regained my rank as a god through my marriage to her." I explained.

Kyxsha leaned against the wall heavily. "Why...I didn't want to know...you're just like her..." She mumbled.

"Though there's more." I continued, my fists clenched tightly. The image of her and Yamil on the bridge appeared before my eyes once more...renewing my resolve to continue. "I didn't just marry her for ranking...so don't misunderstand...Hnoss is the one who shall stand at my side Kyxsha...I'm sorry...there's no place for you there. I was a fool...a mortal could never be one with a God. It was a fool's dream...a Nobody's dream....much like us...filled with nothingness. False promises and lies. That's all."

Kyxsha's eyes widened. I could tell that I'd hurt her...and it hurt for me to say those words....how it burned....but it had to be done. I had to make her hate me...make her want to return and perhaps become whole once more. For I had learned long ago...one does not meddle in the affairs of love....else they be scorned in love themselves for an eternity.

She regained her composure slowly and walked up to me, slapping me hard across the face. I took it...almost enjoyed it. "How dare you Ximh...how dare you...." Was all she could say before she ran off.

I closed my eyes. "It had to be done...there was no avoiding it. Besides...you shouldn't have any part of this life...not if you have the chance to be whole again..." I mumbled.

I portaled up to my room.

"That girl was in love with you Magni. You can't deny that...my mother is the goddess of love..." Hnoss began instantly, a strangely serious expression on her face.

"SHE CAN'T LOVE ME!" I snapped. "You didn't see them Hnoss...her and that man..."


"There is NOTHING there....there can't be....so just leave it. YOU are my wife...and I shall NEVER be unfaithful...I'm not like my father." I spoke honestly.

"I'm not worried about that Magni...I'm worried about you..." She conveyed earnestly approaching.

I smiled. "Why? I'm fine." I feigned. It would pass over time. Slowly as I realized it more and more...I felt the distance coming. "I need to report to my Leader. Will you wait here?"

"Can I come along? I would very much like to meet him."

"Very well, come then." I stepped to the side and opened a portal. We were off to report to the leader.

