Marriage o_o

It was over. The whole ceremony seemed to pass in a flash. First a night filled with questions...catching up...a large feast in celebration of the event. Then the next morning...the ceremony...and now....I was numb. There had been so many Gods & Goddesses in attendance. Many opposed it...yet Hnoss held her head up high as she'd stood beside me. She wasn't opposed to marrying a nobody...she was almost...happy. And Gersi was no different. Though at least even Domix seemed giddy about that one. I couldn't help but feel sorry for Hnoss...getting ME as a husband.

"I will be with you Magni, wherever you go." Hnoss spoke so sincerely as we stood on the balcony outside a reception-type event. "I don't ever want to lose you again...I missed you so much."

"I didn't even remember who I was." I spoke honestly, leaning on the railing and gazing out into the stone marble garden below. "My memory only recently returned...and pieces are still missing. Up until now....I go by the name Ximh. It is the name gave me...."

"...Ximh." Hnoss recited...more to herself. "Would you prefer me call you that? Whatever you wish for..."

I stopped her, placing my hand on her chin. "No." I denied quickly. "From you alone...I wish to hear you call me as you once did. Magni. The name I desire to once again brandish...even if...I can never be that man again."

"You ARE that man. I care not what they may will always be Magni."

I smiled. "And a Nobody, emotions escape me. Are you really sure you made the right choice. I may not be the loving, affectionate man you deserve. Even now...I am unsure as to the proper actions I must take. I will do what a husband MUST do...yet, I don't know what that is."

She blushed a little and avoided my eyes. "Well...that....comes later..." She stuttered. "Never-mind all that now. It'll come with time...I don't expect you to be perfect. I only want you to be yourself."

I analyzed her a bit...why had she become so...shy? And then I realized it....what she was thinking. I froze. I hadn't even...but it was to be expected right?! "Ugh...excuse me Hnoss....I'll be right back."

I took my leave and escaped to an abandoned terrace. My body was warm...a strange sensation overwhelming me as I imagined it. This didn't seem right though...these emotions were unbefitting of one such as I. I hadn't been hinting I'd meant...what was I supposed to do now? I would have to return to Oblivion. Would she be accompanying me? Or was I to leave her here...all alone...even though she was now my wife...

All was decided that night. That wonderfully eventful evening. I would be returning to Oblivion to fulfill my silent promise to Triskix and Lexian. Hnoss would remain in Asgard with Gersemi, and I would visit her as often as I fulfill my duties to her as a loyal husband. Domix was following a similar plan. He didn't wish to anger matter how little he cared for him...he was still a member of Zero and would ride it out until he got bored.

It was entirely too soon...yet I had to return. I had said two or three days...but I really had to get back...something inside was just urging me to. Domix had already kissed Gersi goodbye and was waiting for me in the carriage...I prepared to say farewell to Hnoss when she came out looking ready for travel.

"Magni. I've come to a decision." She began. "I know this is difficult, since I KNOW you've somewhere you must return. And I will always wait eagerly for your return to me...which I pray will be often...but before you leave me....I wish to go with you just this once. I want to see where you'll your comrades...I wish to know everything about you. Please...I beg me this one kindness."

My mouth dropped. She wanted to SEE Oblivion? MEET my comrades??? ....Kyxsha....o_o'

"Sure." I slipped.

SURE?! SURE?!!! WHY THE HELL DID YOU JUST SAY THAT?!!!!! WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH YOU?!!! IDIOT! MORON!!! IMBECILE!!!!! My Mind Screamed at me. It must've been her begging could I deny her?

She rushed and embraced me. "Oh! Thank you! You won't regret this Magni! I promise...I will act most proper!" Then she jumped into the carriage and sat next to Domix, who was laughing at evil grin on his face....

Sighing deeply, I got in and we headed back to the Coliseum. What had I done?

Dark: got married....
Ximh: o___o
Dark: Ximh? *shakes* Ximh?! SPEAK TO ME MAN!
Ximh: o_____________o
Dark: This is bad....
