Tamex explained how we would have to set the bombs...and Kyxsha decided I would be the best one for the job. So it would be me, Rexikat, Amaterasux, and Xait apparently. But our job was only to set the bombs up...that could only be done if the others in our group were able to distract the members of Zero long enough for us to actually DO IT!

I was walking with Rexikat to get the other members of our infiltration group...and trying desperately to come up with a strategy. I really HATED strategizing...I was more of a MESS WITH ME AND I'LL DROP YOU COLD kinda guy. Yet still...I should TRY to think up something...

"We don't have to be simultaneous...there's just too many bombs for just the two of us to set up." I slipped. Rex gave me a sideways look.

"True." She agreed. "But it would be easier if we...never-mind."

"I know." I agreed. I knew what she was going to say...but we had to go with this plan. "I just hope this cloaking thing works...if Domix catches wind I'm there...this plan goes up in smoke."

"Domix?" She asked. "I won't's the same for me...I mean Pashnirix is..." She stopped abruptly. Like she was thinking to tell me something how she had slipped by giving me info on her past.

My eyes narrowed a bit. "You know're lucky you're talking to ME. I'm not the type to pry into the business of others." I laughed. "Just matter what you told me...I'd NEVER turn my blade on you...I respect you too much."

She gave me a caring sort of look...but quickly shook it off as though it wasn't in her character. "The PLAN!" She shouted.

"Right." I snapped to. "I say we go in, set up the bombs and I detonate them. I really can't think of anything specific...sorry."

Rex laughed at me. But I knew she was JUST AS BAD as me! "Oh, so it's going to be THAT simple huh??" She asked sarcastically.

"Actually yeah. Least I think so." I stated confidently. Something I DIDN'T lack....confidence. "What? Doubt yourself?"

"Heck no!" Rex denied quickly.

"Good. Then let's just get our teammates and hope THEY don't screw this up." I joked as we walked into the dining hall.

Please Continue. ^^
Sorry, took so long. I've been a little busy with school and work. lol I really don't know what to do until we actually ATTACK.
