Chaos got issues.....

"I have seven...that means there are still six shards of my memory out there..." I said to myself as I walked through the halls. Things had come back to me and I was getting back to my original self again.

Suddenly an exstremely smiley nobody walked up to me. For some unknown reason I felt the nerve to punch him in the mouth.

"Hey hey," the smiley guy said.

"Tsukux, number 13, also called the annoying smiley guy," I said looking up from a paper I had been reading.

"Yep," he answered, "And lookie what I found!"

He showed me a piece of the glass, and I grabbed it from him in an instant.

"Ow..." he said shaking his fingers, "You burned me...."

"And I care why?" I asked already feeling the roll of memories going on. They were lesser memories and random events. I pushed them away and looked at Tsukux. He was still smiling at me.

"What do you want?" I asked finally.

"Oh nothing," he answered.
