Yummeix, XII

Name: Yummeix
Hair color: a light blue wit black streaks
Hair style: long and straight
Eye Color the darkest Violet with a blood red ring around the center
Height: 5' 7"
Age: 16
Gender: female
Personality: Cold, quiet, friendly towards people she knows, hates the summer time, loves books, and malicious.
World found in: Unknown
Weapon: Lunar scythe, but when in an all - out battle, she has the twin scythe, the Solar Scythe
Element: Darkness
Other info: She has distinct black cat ears, and was a disciple of Zexion's, which explains her love of books and quiet nature.

Shizko: Alright, Yummeix... hy did you join?
Yuumeix: ... -reading- I prefer to be called Mahou...
Shizuko: -sighs- Alrigt... Mahou, why did you join?
Yummeix: To avenge Zexion...
Shizuko: Er...alright...What is your motto?
Yummeix: "You're born alone, you die alone..."
Shizuko: Uh...Alright...
Yummeix: Good bye. -shoves out of room-
