I had been all out attacked in the hallway by it wasn't her. Something was weird. Like she'd been possessed. And when I took this into consideration, it made perfect sense.

That damn woman...we should've killed her... I thought loudly as my hand had gone to the hilt of my blade. Thinking it wasn't needed, I rushed her all out. Yet the hall became filled with an immense wind, and I was sent hurdling into the wall. I got up without much trouble, I'd been injured far worse than a simple hit like that. I walked forward as she condemned me as a cheater...holding Rexikat up and offering me a trade. A small smile began to form on my lips. She wanted her weapons back....she would never see them again. And I wasn't so weak as to be toyed with. I charged her, sending a flurry of attacks using only my speed.

And yet, I still was not taking her serious. Had I even used a fourth of my true power on her, I would risk destroying Kyxsha completely. Though, because I went far too easy, I was sent back once more...this time the wind was knocked out of me. Yet still I got to my feet...just in time for Rexikat to join in. She took over the battle as I caught my breath, and then, she left.

"I'll kill you Kitty Kat, and your little boyfriend too." Then, Kyxsha fell to the ground.

"What the HELL was that?!" Rexikat shouted, thoroughly upset.

"It was her other...Keesha." I answered her as I approached. "I don't know how she's doing it, but now she's possessing Kyxsha. She was targeting me..."

"You? What for?"

I smiled and looked straight at Rex. "I took her TREASURES didn't you hear? She's never getting them back either. Not even I know where they are now...the ends of the Worlds..."

Rexikat was slightly confused, but turned her attention back to Kyxsha. "We should...get her back to a room right?"

I bent over and lifted her up. "Yeah."

As I placed her back into her bed, her eyes slowly opened and she began to mutter. "What's happening..."

"That's what I want to know." I responded. "You just all out attacked me...I had no idea you hated me that much." I joked. I wanted to see how she would respond. If she even KNEW what had happened to her herself.

Ok....sorry it took me so long. KIRA Yelled at me today and reminded me. -_-' I had forgotten to post it. >:/ Continue Kill Sasuke! HAHAHA
