Mocha in Wonderland- SSS


It was sung rather than shouted, and the person saying it was none other than the queen herself. The queen also fancied bishies, especially silver haired ones with the nickname of "Sesshie". In fact, said bishie was on her right, the king of hearts, and on her left was her ex- husband, a blue-eyed brunette who had recently divorced the queen because they decided they were better as friends than lovers. DON'T KILL ME, CHRYSTA

"My queen," Sesshie said, "Are you sure you want ALL of their heads to come off?"

The queen paused, looking back at the king. "But they defied me!"

"Do as you wish." He always said that. That was one reason why the queen loved him. (That, and a bunch of other things, one of which was his bishieness)

"Yaaay~<3" The queen pointed at random people. "Off with your head, your head and your head." This was so much fun.

Mocha covered her face. Now THAT was what she called abusing power. It was too bad she couldn't be queen. She would be worse.

"My lady!" Alphaeus exclaimed, but the queen pointed at him.

"Where have you been for two years!?" She yelled, "I mean, that cook in there doesn't cook as well as he's supposed to." ;w;

Alphaeus bowed. "I am sorry, milady."

"What happened to the cook?" Mocha stepped forward.

"Oh, I had him beheaded. 8D So we have no cook now. It's you!" <3

Alphaeus deadpaned. As expected.

"Hey, can you help me get home?" Mocha asked.

The queen epicly pointed at Mocha. "I like you, so you won't be beheaded. What do you mean by 'go home'?"

"I don't belong here. I fell down this hole and-"

"Your reign of terror has come to an end, my queen." All eyes turned to see the hatter strutting in with her band of followers.

"Awwww snap." Mocha said, and the Cheshire cat appeared on her shoulder.

"Someone's gonna get snapped." She said. >.>;;;

"I'm here for my revenge, Red Queen." The hatter said. "You took my kingdom from me, as well as my husband. Give them back and all will be well." For some reason the blue eyed brunette shifted in his seat, suppressing a grin.

The Red Queen grinned. "You'll have to fight me for it."

"That will be...easy." The Hatter took off her signature pink hat and struck a karate stance. "Game on."

Mocha wished she'd brought some popcorn...

The two rushed at each other, the Red Queen with her septre and the Hatter with her sword and then they clashed, starting to fight, until only one winner could be declared. Mocha gasped. The winner was-


Mocha's eyes popped open. "Kiki?"

The blonde stared down at her friend. "Why ish you sleeping under a tree?"

Mocha blinked. "I was?" She was. She stood, rubbing her face. "I had the weirdest dream..and you were in it."

"Really?" She asked, blinking.

"Yep. I was Alice in Wonderland and you were the doormouse."

"PFFT. You know that had to be a dream. I could only be Tweedledee or Tweedledum and you'd be the other twin."

Mocha laughed. "YEP, I guess you're right."

Kiki just laughed along with her as they walked away. Of course, it was always nice that Mocha hadn't noticed her mouse tail...

The End?