This WORLD features all official updates from our network.

Caption Battle: Things Better Left Unsaid...

"It's that time again..." "To feature more Worlds?" "To say goodbye to Zetsubo-sensei?" "No... it's time for this week's caption battle!" But first, ...

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Caption Battle: Panda!!!

"It's that time again..." "To get SOLID GREEN?" "To play Rock Band?" "No... it's time for this week's caption battle!" But first, ...

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Caption Battle: Delta Formation, Go!

"It's that time again..." "To join T.M.'s revolution?" "To buy gigantic boxes of Pocky?" "No... it's time for this week's caption battle!" But first, ...

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Caption Battle: 'Battle-Ready' My Butt!

"It's that time again..." "To hitchhike to Seattle?" "To write Dr. Who fanfic?" "No... it's time for this week's caption battle!" But first, ...

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Caption Battle: I-D-K-F-A! Yay!

"It's that time again..." "To make a 'Convention' World?" "To watch Slayers?" "No... it's time for this week's caption battle!" And we have no winners for last time's "Zombie Alchemist" caption because they were all destro...

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