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Caption Battle: It Probably Burns...

"It's that time again..."
"To get the Sarah Connor Chronicles back on Monday?"
"To get Heroes to stop sucking?"
"No... it's time for this week's caption battle!"

But first, last week's winners:

In third place just because: TimeChaser!

Dojima: "Talk to the hand."
Robin: "You're doing it wrong..."

In second place, because doctor exams are always funny: the real yojimbo!

Just goes to show that physicals are equally uncomfortable for both doctors and patients.

And in the coveted first place, because let's face it, we've all been there... Blue-Eyes Girl!

Robin & Doujima: Oh God, another Caramelldansen imitation...

Props to those of you who took up this past week's rather challenging... uh... challenge... thing. Ahem... moving on!

This week we'll use another screencap courtesy of That Moe-Loving Skeletal Fish Guy, featuring the series To Aru Majutsu no Index. From left to right you have Mikoto, Touma, and Index - go for it:

You know the drill: type up the funniest, wittiest, most original caption you can think of for the screencap above in the comments below. Also, if any of you would like some tips on writing a great caption, you can find those here.

And like always, theOtaku is open to all submissions and suggestions for weekly feature content. You have a screencap you want used, you can PM me and we can do somethin' about it. And remember: don't try to bend the spoon, it's impossible.

Caption Battle: So Not The Drama...

"It's that time again..."
"To watch Wendee Lee say 'bitchin'' again?"
"To DVR Dollhouse?"
"No... it's time for this week's (regrettably delayed) caption battle!"

But first, last week's winners:

In third place, playing the game short and sweetly: sweetdevil!

Facepalm, the Valentine's edition.

In second place, because I enjoy wordplay: Calaya!

She said she'd give him the finger, he took her whole hand!

And in the coveted first place, because spite is just plain funny... Aceburner!

The interesting thing is that Miroku caught that hand mid-slap. Who's the ninja now?

Not a bad showing this week. Not bad at all... on to this week!

So this week's patronage comes courtesy of xaos, and features the series Witch Hunter Robin. Girl with the tongue is Dojima; girl with the hair is Robin. Have at it:

You know the drill: type up the funniest, wittiest, most original caption you can think of for the screencap above in the comments below. Also, if any of you would like some tips on writing a great caption, you can find those here.

And like always, theOtaku is open to all submissions and suggestions for weekly feature content. You have a screencap you want used, you can PM me and we can do somethin' about it. And remember: dolphins aren't fish, they're actually mammals like you or me!

Caption Battle: Love Gives Ya Shivers...

"It's that time again..."
"To tune in to Joss Whedon's Dollhouse every Friday night on FOX?"
"To check my inbox over at eHarmony?"
"No... it's time for this week's caption battle!"

But first, last week's winners:

In third place, for being (for our purposes) in character enough that we'd believe it: ThePockyGirl!

Momoko: Three story buildings are no match for the POWER OF LOVE!!

In second place, because old-school Shatner references are always funny: cougarsama!

Koushi: There's something on the wing!

And in the coveted first place... funny for reasons we all probably don't want to admit to... red.alchemist!

The Representative of the Lollipop Guild is pleased.

There were some good ones this week. Definitely down to the wire; good work, you guys.

So moving on to this week... I guess today is Valentine's Day, so I might as well keep the theme going - and no, it's not Rozen Maiden. This week's screencap comes from ye olde archives and features good ol' Inuyasha, or at least one of the movies. Anyway, the guy on the left is Kirby Morrow; the girl on the right is Kelly Sheridan. Go for it!

You know the drill: type up the funniest, wittiest, most original caption you can think of for the screencap above in the comments below. Also, if any of you would like some tips on writing a great caption, you can find those here.

And like always, theOtaku is open to all submissions and suggestions for weekly feature content. You have a screencap you want used, you can PM me and we can do somethin' about it. And remember: inertia is a property of matter.

Happy Valentine's Day, now.

Caption Battle: Valentine Fail

"It's that time again..."
"To find out who's more annoying than the mother in Everybody Loves Raymond?"
"To remember that Adam Baldwin isn't a Baldwin Baldwin?"
"No... it's time for this week's caption battle!"

But first, last week's winners:

In third place, because cosplay with limited options sucks: edisshort!

Mailboxes can only cosplay as messed up versions of Domo-kun......

In second place, because imagining that thing singing/dancing like Elvis is incredibly, frighteningly funny: schultzie!

"Return to sender"
"Address unknown"
"No such number"
"Nobody home"

And in the coveted first place with all of three words... Allamorph!

Godzilla goes postal.

See how easy that is? But y'know, this week truly was an excellent week. Thanks for participating in Rozen Maiden month! And if anyone ever wants another, I'll be sure to get Des' on top of it.


On to this week and this glorious ramp-up to Valentine's Day. As such, this week's shot is fitting. Courtesy of Timber, this week's screencap features the series Sumomomo Momomo. Koushi is on the left, Momoko is on the right. Have at thee:

You know the drill: type up the funniest, wittiest, most original caption you can think of for the screencap above in the comments below. Also, if any of you would like some tips on writing a great caption, you can find those here.

And like always, theOtaku is open to all submissions and suggestions for weekly feature content. You have a screencap you want used, you can PM me and we can do somethin' about it. But for now, never forget the power of early '60s rock and roll.

Caption Battle: I'll Write You In Hell...

"It's that time again?"
"To send SomeGuy more screencaps?"
"To threaten to strike if there's another Rozen Maiden month?"
"No... it's time for this week's caption battle!"

But first, last week's winners:

In third place just because: jRockstar11385!

What do you do when you lose you prized weapons? Improvise!

In second place, incidentally coming after my own watching of way too much Food Network: Koneko Krysta!

Suiseiseki didn't take too kindly to the "advice" that Gordon Ramsay had to offer.

And in the coveted first place, after evidently choosing her next words wisely... cougarsama!

Tonight we dine in hell! Tomorrow, we're going to Chili's!

Cheers, you three. You managed to not repeat everyone else. Anyway, on to this week...

Well, it was the 31st while I was working on it, so technically it was still January (and as such, still Rozen Maiden Month). But since we're cutting it so close... tell ya what, it will still be from Rozen Maiden (and still from Desbreko, The Moester of the Universe), but I'll keep the loli-dolls out of it. Instead, how about a really messed up looking mailbox? Don't ask me the context, I really don't know and frankly that's besides the point. Have fun:

You know the drill: type up the funniest, wittiest, most original caption you can think of for the screencap above in the comments below. Also, if any of you would like some tips on writing a great caption, you can find those here.

And like always, theOtaku is open to all submissions and suggestions for weekly feature content. You have a screencap you want used, you can PM me and we can do somethin' about it. For those of you who survived Rozen Maiden Month, I salute you.