This WORLD features all official updates from our network.

Added "Posted By" To Main WORLDS Page

A surprising number of WORLDS have guest posters. This led to a problem: It wasn't always clear who was posting. To fix we added a "Posted By" link underneath each new WORLD post. Anime Podcast IV - Ep. 1 Podcast: VV (Vivi?) starts today! As always, Ichigo and Batou are here to help you, the listener, to get your fingers on the pulse of anime! Still getting into the groove of Version Vibrant, they've given us some new Worlds for ever...

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Caption Battle: I-D-K-F-A! Yay!

"It's that time again..." "To make a 'Convention' World?" "To watch Slayers?" "No... it's time for this week's caption battle!" And we have no winners for last time's "Zombie Alchemist" caption because they were all destro...

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Wallpaper Submission Issues Fixed

Fixed a huge bug that was preventing higher-than-standard resolution wallpapers from going through. This fix is dedicated to Mimmi.

New Backroom Updates Highlighted

New member subscription updates in your backroom are now in bold, screaming "I'm new! Click me now!"