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Favorite anime:
1. Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler)
2. Mushishi
3. Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo
4. Yuri!!! on Ice
5. Space Brothers

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OD: The Big 3

Last OD's results:
Sebastian: 1
Alucard: 0

This one was a tough one for me. Alucard has some pretty big powers, and can take a lot of damage, but, thinking about it... Sebastian not only is just as strong, but is faster and has more stamina, and can get the job done quickly, no matter what weapon he's using. If I had to guess how long it would take to, well, not kill Alucard, but to break him down, I'd say an hour and a half, tops. Which is actually pretty long for Sebastian. Supper wouldn't be ready on time D: So, in the end, my choice is Sebastian.

Side note: Only one vote? D: Really? Pick up the pace, people.

Our Topic Today: The Big 3

This one should be pretty self-expainitory. Do you like Naruto, One Piece, or Bleach best? Remember to include reasons, and to give an actual vote.

9 Review

Summary: A living doll thingy wakes up one day to a ruined, post apocalyptic world. He soon learns three things: 1. There are other dolls like him 2. They are the only living beings on this planet, and 3. They are being hunted by a sinister robot creature.

The plotto this movie is decent, and has good pacing, however, there are questions that never get answered and because of that some people may not be satisfied with the ending.

Some of the characters are really good, and a couple of them have great development, but there are some that are so stereotypical that it's painful to watch. Now, they have a good reason for the stereotypes to an extent, but when placed next to the other characters... There's really no excuse.

The real treat of this movie, though, iss the animation. The designs of everything are so original and creepy that it glues you to seat for at least one go-through of the movie. Everything from the creature designs to the setting designs are memorable and work excellently.


Ao No Exorcist Review

Plot Summary

Rin Okumaru is a rowdy kid who always skips school. After seeing something strange, he comes home to his twin brother, Yukio and his adoptive father, Exorcist Shiro Fujimoto, when suddenly all turns in chaos. He finds out that he is truly the son of Satan, and he decides goes to avenge Fujimoto's death by going to the True Cross Acadamy and becoming an exorcist himself.


The plot in this anime is what I'd describe as the perfect 25-episode shonen. The story almost could be separated into two halfs with different styles, and as such, I'll give a paragraph to each.

The first half gives it a setup for another huge, never-ending shounen anime, which gives it a sort of feel for the expanse of everything that could happen throughout Rin's journey. This is both good and bad, because it this part is good, but it also reminds of how much could have happened, and how much didn't.

The second half is what I love, though. The plot thickens and you are taken through intense twists and turns that begin to show each character's intentions and motives. They include a lot in the anime without it feeling rushed or crowded, or confusing the watcher.

In short, I think of this anime as a diamond; as you near the middle of the anime the possibilities of where this anime could go expands, and once you hit the middle mark, as you near the end the twists and turns reveal things that limit where it could go, closing in the perfect point, and yes, the ending to this anime is, in my opinion, perfect. They couldn't have done better.



The development behind all the characters is amazing. Despite its large cast, no character really gets set aside, (except for one, which actually adds to it, instead of taking it away... eh, you'll find out if you watch it). Some of the character designs are great, and you can sympathize with a lot of characters, which is a feat.

One of the greatest things about the characters is that when the main character, Rin, just runs into a battle without thinking... he actually gets his butt handed to him, instead of getting through every battle through sheer will alone.



The animation has its absolutely beautiful moments, not to mention some pretty original character designs, but it doesn't really do anything to completely stand out.



The first and second openers were both good, but not too outstanding. The first ending was pretty good in regards to how most endings are, but I found the second one to be a little... bland.

As for background music, there were plenty of amazing tracks in the OST. However, they do not exactly take any moments to shine greatly in the actual anime.



Despite the lack of consistent beautiful animation and emphasis on the music, I do recommend you watch, if not buy, this anime. The story and characters are amazing and it is definitely worth the watch.

Full Moon



Just so you know, you're going to want to watch through to very end, because after the ending they have little bits, some of them just jokes, some of them having something to do with the plot. Do not forget!

**SPOILER** What... is that kid with the puppet. He must be some god or something, to be sitting there, simply quoting the bible while Rin and Yukio go to close the gate to Gehenna... GAHH THE MYSTERY


FLCL (Fooly Cooly) Review

Plot Summary

...*opens mouth to say something*.... *closes it* ....*opens it again*... *closes*....


FLCL is... random. Really random. Like, the makers probably took some acid before they made it random. If I tried to describe the first episode, I'd probably either take a long time to describe it, or end up confusing myself in the process, hence the "Plot Summary".

The thing that makes this amazing, though, is that through all the entertaining randomness is that if you look really, really close, you can find some semblance of a real plot, and a dang good one, too.



The characters range from kinda strange to completely out-of-this-world weird (...no pun intended...), which does nothing but fuel the randomness even more.

However, once again, if you pay attention, you see development in the characters, and you really do start empathize with them.



The animation will range from sort-of-okay to full-out amazing digital effects to South Park... yes... South Park...

Now, the range of quality and style of animation will usually be a complaint, but the range does nothing but add to the show overall.



The soundtrack to FLCL is... amazing. Full of guitar and Japanese rock type ballads, I don't think it ever lets up.



FLCL, though random, is amazing. I think there's a little bit of something for everyone, whether it's the development hiding in the randomness or the randomness itself.

Full Moon


The Road to El Dorado Review

Time to actually get some reviews up on here!

I might as well begin with one of my favorite childhood movies, the Road to El Dorado.

Summary: Miguel and Tulio have been best friends for as long as they can remember. When they win a map to the golden city of El Dorado (using loaded dice), and "convieniently" get taken to the new world, the decide to go search for the city! (Hint: They actually do find the city really early in the movie)

Why do I love the Road to El Dorado? Hrmm...

The animation at times is beautiful, sporting a colorfull pallete when it needs to, but still not shying away from the darker shades.

The music (done by Elton John) is really good. Granted, it's still pop/rock music in a kid's movie... but it was done really well. In my opinion, whenever it is played, it always adds to the movie and never subtracts. And yes, I do still listen to it even when I'm not watching the movie.

The characters are realistic, and Miguel and Tulio actually end up acting as great foils for each other. Also, there's great subtlety in the dialogue that I didn't quite notice as a kid; quite clever.

In the end, I'd give the Road to El Dorade 8.5/10.