Tate Snyder

Name: Tate Snyder

Nickname(s): none

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: April 7th

Height: 6’0”

Weight: 150lbs

Eye color: orange

Hair color/length/style: light blue just past shoulder blade length layered (natural color: Pale blonde)

Skin Tone: light peach

Appearance: Uryuu has an athletic build to him with a good amount of muscle definition. He also has a matching belly button piercing with his older brother and a tongue piercing.

Outfit: Black jeans, Dark blue sleeveless shirt with a collar. Orange belt that is usually hanging off his left hip. Orange wrist guards, and black gloves.

Personality: Usually pretty quiet and shy, he doesn’t really talk all that much unless someone else talks to him first. He is pretty relaxed about things though and is always willing to help if something needs to be done. When he gets to know you he likes to smile and have a good time around you. He can be a bit of a flirt too.

Element: Dark

Are you new to the Academy?: No

Bio: He is the younger out of the twins and is the quiet one. He use to be always cheerful and happy and talkative until him and his brother fell into a sink hole and he noticed that he could see in the dark just fine and he could see an animal next to his brother. He was scared and confused with what was going on. After they got out he became kind of distant from his family except Hale and together they worked on gaining more with their powers.

When him and his brother were 16 they were sent to a new school and there they met Toshiro and Sasuke. During all their training Tate began to learn how to be stealthy with his movements and work from the shadows learning this helped him create his weapon so that he could work from long ranges and have people not even know he was there.

After the four of them got to the academy Tate went on to learn more about archery and came out on top of his class because of being a dark elemental they were not one’s to be known to gain a soul weapon that was a long range weapon. But he continues to grow with his powers and learn new things.

Weapon: deep purple Bow and dark blue arrows with stainless steel tips

Spirit animal: Jaguar

Anything Else?: he is very stealthy and is a master at archery.

Played By: clueless101/ crystal fantasia