Hale Snyder

Name: Hale Snyder (Hayl)

Nickname(s): none

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: April 7th

Height: 6’0”

Weight: 155lbs

Eye color: Orange

Hair color/length/style: Just past should blade length flat light blue (natural color: pale blonde)

Skin Tone: pale peach

Appearance: Has a slight athletic build but it’s a bit difficult to tell with how thin he looks. He has seven piercings four in his left ear, two in his right ear and a belly button piercing that matches his little brothers.

Outfit: Blue button up long sleeve shirt with the collar popped and the top three buttons undone and white pants and an orange belt with black shoes. He usually wears blue bracelets two dark blue bracelets on his right wrist and then is left wrist to his mind forearm is loosely wrapped with matching fabric to the bracelets that are on his right wrist. He also wears and Orange choker necklace with the Kingdom Hearts Key Oblivion on it.

Personality: Usually serious and not one to really mess around in a situation he is a person that would rather get the job done then get out as soon as possible. He is usually harsh to others, but for people he cares for he does show a soft side occasionally. He does laugh and smile it just takes a while to get him to do it.

Element: Light

Are you new to the Academy?: No

Bio: He is the older out of the twins and has always been protective of his brothers. Hale and his brother realized that they were elementals when they were about 16 and they had been trying to keep them a secret from their parents as they explored what they could do. Right away Hale figured out he was a light elemental. He found it out when him and his brother Tate were trapped in a sinkhole and it was pitch black in the hole as his parents tried to get them out Hale figured out how to make a ball of light so that he could look around and see what had happened.

After that incident their parents moved them and transferred them into a new school. That is where Hale and Tate met Toshiro and Sasuke. Right away Toshiro and Sasuke figured out that the twins where light and dark elementals. Soon after that they started to train with Sasuke as well until they were sent to the Academy and Hale figured out that he had a knack for medical situations and was the only light elemental that was in that field. On top of being good at helping people with injuries he was surprised when his spirit weapon was able to materialize when he was protecting his friends who were getting hurt from him trying to heal someone that was hurt badly. That’s when he figured out that he was a good swordsman and decided that he was going to train as hard as he could so that he wouldn’t see his friends get hurt in front of him again.

Weapon: Light blue bladed Katana

Spirit animal: Stag

Anything Else?: He loves playing video games and reading mostly manga, but he will read fantasy novels and he loves reading plays. Blade training is a habit for him that he does every morning.

Played By: clueless101/crystal fantasia