Jacob (SAO RP)

Name: Jacob Zimmer

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Eye color(s): Orange

Hair color/length/style: light blue medium length semi spiky hair that is long enough to pull back into a small ponytail.

Height: 6’0”

Weight: 148lbs

Appearance: Fair skin tone with an athletic builds. He has long legs that he can easily chase down monsters and people with. He has a sharp jaw line and intense looking eyes.

Outfit/Armor: (see picture)

Personality: Being a bit of a cocky person when it comes to video games he is very good at trying to get intel from other players and what they know. He is also funny and sarcastic, but is serious and protective when it comes to his friends.

Bio: He’s loved playing video games and has been playing video games since he was four-years-old. His range of video games both on gaming systems and online is a very large range. When he saw sword art online and thought that it would be a new and exciting game to try. Now he’s stuck in the game and is determined to beat the game and get out.
Guild: none at the moment

Weapon(s): Basic Straight sword and throwing picks

-Vertical Arc
-Savage Fulcrum
-Night Vision

Non-Combat Skill(s):

Anything Else?: He is left handed so he confuses some people when he fights. Along with video games he was a soccer player and a track runner and did cross-country so he had a lot of stamina and endurance.

Played By: clueless101

LVL: 1