Obsessed with...

...Pandora Hearts probably even more than Vocaloids (also, it doesn't help that Oz, the main character, looks a lot like Len =3)

Anyway, listen to this AWESOME opening song from the anime...ahh I'm in love with this song too XD

*starts singing along* look for pictures of the anime later in the post ^^

Anyway, an update of my life even if you don't want to read it ^^

Here's my schedule for second semester!!

1. Late Arrival (it means that I can take first period off and come in time for the second period at 8:20ish, which also means I get to wake up at about 7 =D
What I'm probably going to end up doing though is sitting in with my friend's first period Anatomy class so she has someone to talk to ^^ 'cause I'm just nice like that...)

2. Anatomy (my actual Anatomy class...that's means I'll have two Anatomy's)

3. Economics (money, money, and more money...for educational purposes, they should give us money to handle...y'know hands-on-experience XD)

4. AP English 12 (POETRY UNIT!! gosh, I love poems ^^)

5a. LUNCH!!

5b-6. AP Biology (yes, this class is 1 and a half periods long...but it's also fun ^^)

7. Gym (I taking Dance II...and me and a friend are doing duet to Lollipop by Mika...'tis a jazz dance...and then I'm probably doing a solo to I'm Yours by Jason Mraz =D)

and that's it!!

which reminds me...

School: The reason that I haven't posted in sooo long!! Ahh, it's crazy with all the work I have including actual work from school, getting ready for college, and studying for scholarship exams ('cause I really need the money since tuition is like 36,000 T_T)

I have no time for anything theO related I still have to finish a wallpaper for someone who's probably reading this...ehehehe I'll get to it ^^'

*sigh* and I want to draw something for the Valentine '10 contest and I also have an idea for a Pandora Hearts drawing and then I have to finish three other drawings that were sketched out a long time ago T_T

...can somebody do my homework while I finish these?? I'll love you forever *puppy eyes*

and now, back to Pandora Hearts...enjoy lovely pictures ^^

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that's Oz (Oscar) Bezarius...the main character...isn't he adorable??

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from left to right: Alice, Oz, Gilbert aka Raven (<< I wonder if that's a spoiler...)

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Oz again, with B-Rabbit aka Alice *dies looking at Oz*

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this is Xerxes Break (if you look hard enough, he has his puppet, Emily, on his shoulder)

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and this is Shalon (Sharon) Rainsworth

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aww ^^ don't they look cute??

yup ^^ that's it for this post!
