HAPPY 2010 minna-san!!

EDIT: waah!! This posted on 2010 because of my stupid slow computer T_T *throws pen at it*

ONE MINUTE LEFT...(in Chicago time anyway ^^)

btw, minna-san means everybody in Japanese if you don't know ^^

So before that happens, I'm going to make my last post for 2009!

Hmm...let's see, milestones for 2009 (in order!):

1. Turned 16!!

2. Joined the Otaku (wow, it's almost been a year =3)

3. Finished Junior year (11th grade)

4. Became a volunteer for the hospital

5. Did my first cosplay

6. Started looking at colleges

7. Started senior year!!

8. Went to my first homecoming no I'm not a dork :|

9. Got accepted at both colleges that I applied to

10. Got myself addicted to Vocaloids now whose fault was that XD


I'm glad it's a new year but seriously nervous too because of the college stuff, and all of the new/exciting/a tad scary experiences to come. Sigh, I guess that's life ^^

Have a happy and successful 2010 guys!!

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