this is where I am putting all my rantings about stuff mainly Naruto & bleach and pictures so check it out!!


Itachi Fanfic Pity By Nitroblac
Pity By Nitroblac.
Itachi had only felt like this once before in his life he hated this feeling everything was always left up to him and he hated them always for it. The wind whipped threw his clothes and he bit his bottom lip he hated this emotion pity he had never had cause to pity before but seeing Naruto sprawled out on the ground having used up every last ounce of chackra trying to defeat him well it was just pitiful. Why do you even bother? He said in a low whispered voice, expecting Naruto not to answer Naruto cocked his head up to be stronger. Itachi grimaced how could a boy containing the nine tail fox spirit not beat him Hell Naruto hadn't even scratched him. Pity him no now he was feeling disgust and Naruto would suffer for it. Naruto heard Itachi whizzing past him but he didn't react quickly enough Naruto was flung across the grass like a rag doll. Itachi had a wild look like he was looking right into Naruto's soul he shuddered as Itachi leaned towards him. You really are so disappointing! Come on little fox protect you weakling host Itachi slit Narutos wrists in a movement so quick all Naruto saw was a blur. Itachi was becoming increasingly annoyed with his preys subdued nature.

Naruto was pulling himself together when he heard the demon within him Why do you not defend yourself I am trying but he's! Stop complaining you will fight! Naruto leaped at Itachi who just smiled. You don't get it! I will always win here. Naruto shuddered as he again was defeated over and over again but all Naruto could do was feel sadness nobody was comming to rescue him. Fight!! yelled the nine tailed fox but naruto could n't move he could bearly breath. Naruto suddenly felt his heart ripped to pieces he sat bolt upright in his bed sweating and panting hard.

Outside the window sat Itachi he so loved dream creeping but he still pitied the boy. But he was making progress tonight was the first time he had seen his quarry the nine tail for to take it he had to defeat naruto at at mental level something he was having so much fun doing once completed the there was the next part the physical part. That too would be enjoyable Itachi smiled then laughed he decieded he would do that part in front of Sasuke. He was savoring this job he loved breaking thing's down to a simple form this was no different. He would break Naruto maybe into tiny pieces no he laughed to himself he would leave a little so that Sasuke would know he did this. besides what good is a jigsaw puzzle if it is already completed. Would Sasuke then know pity?. Itachi smiled at the thought