Moogie's Profile

Name: Moogie Boogie
Age: Unknown but in his teens
Gender: Male
Species: Sack of Bugs
Hair Color: Green (Brown in some cases)
Eye Color: Black
Personality: cunning, jazzy, evil, prankster
Likes: Snake & Spider Stew , killing, gambling, drinking, pranking
Dislikes: Lock, Shock, Barrel, the light, being sober
Attack Types: Magic, bugs, song
Family: Oogie Boogie (Older Brother)
Relationships: Dating Marinda
Friends: The Bat Brothers, Hybrid, Jess, Sam, Nightmare
Weapon: Explosive green dice and a bat-like cane
Favorite Song: Oogie Boogie Song by NBC
Sayings: "I'm NOT anorexic!!!"
Looks: Like Oogie boogie but a LOT skinner, green-skinned, red spider tattoos
Clothing: Spider and ghost-like jacket, black fedora hat
History: When Ogie was once just a cockroach in a research lab, he had a little brother that he forgot to free when he freed the other bugs. Another doctor poured a different kind of toxic waste on Moogie and Moogie escaped after that. He gathered some bugs in a sack and with his new body, Moogie went to Halloween Town to find his brother. But instead he went into pubs and he found Marinda there. They fell in love and they're now dating. Moogie now lives with his brother incognito in the dance/pub parlor room.

