
"Jess! Look what you did!" Taro called up to the werehog.

"What do you think you're doing, doing that?!" Jess asked in a hyper voice.

"I'm ending it..." Taro said, looking back down at the rope and planning to set it up again, but Jess kept slashing at the rope.

"Stop it!" Jess snapped at him, "You can't just kill yourself!"

"I could if you'd let me," Taro replied.

"Why do you want to do that?!" Jess seemed to be even less understanding as to why Taro had wanted to do something like this as Shukaku questioned how Kyuubi seemed to get skinnier when he ate something (Kyuubi's lucky T-T).

"Because, I'm hated by everyone. I'm a freak, so I might as well die like a freak and hang this noose up... either that or shoot myself... Maybe I can get someone to bury-"

"Stop talking like that!" Jess scolded him, "You're my friend! I don't think that!"

Taro looked down, "But they say so..."


Hybrid looked at Spits oddly as Spits had a determined look in his eyes. "Um... two things with that, Spits..." Hybrid commented to him.

Spits turned to Hybrid. "And what's that?"

Hybrid stood up and held an ace of diamonds. "Number one... Wasn't it already personnal with the fact that the bitch ate your dad?"

Spits blinked. "Umm... yeah... BUT now it's more personnal!"

"Oh, and another flaw to your plan genius," Hybrid continued, flipping up a 2 of diamonds.

"And that is...?" Spits asked.

"Where are you going to even go if you have no idea where the bitch is?" Hybrid finished.

Spits paused for a second to think. "Oh..."


"Hmm... So what to do while waiting for that naive spider..." the living rose, Thorn seemed to be asking herself.

She started to rearrange the vines that were attatched to her body, along with the other roses that seemed to be growing as well. "Knowing him, he'd be stupid enough to take the bait and try to rescue this girlfriend of his..."

Thorn looked over to the tied up Deiara that looked more pissed than scared. "He's just my friend!" the seven year old snapped.

Thorn seemed to wave her off. "Like I'll believe that... You're just trying to fool me so you can run off to him and then have me miss my meal..."

"He's not your meal in the first place!"

"Shut up you little bitch," Thorn sling a rose vine at her and it scraped Deiara's cheek, "I haven't had spider in a while and no one, not even this spider's stupid girlfriend is going to stop me."

Deiara glared, not even listening to the plant's rant. Why am I the ONLY one that seems to have to deal with being the f-ing damsel in distress ALL the time?!
