Spits's Scrapbook~#1

Monday-April 13th, 2009

I met Dollface again today after she got back from her birthday party. I wish I would've gone with her, but then Naara had to come and go with her. Grr. Jess is requesting a friend to draw me so I'll post a picture of what my skin looks like. It's a picture of Louie, but my brothers and I look the same except for our colors. I'm purple....Here's the picture:

Anyway, Boss(Oogie) is sending me to spy again. I was good at it too. Jack and Sally are going to be married. Poker is angry about that. Chicago is in jail...again! He believed that the playing cards forced him to attack Sally and Jack sent Chicago to jail for it. And Louie? He's getting so heavy, Boss would need a bigger chain to hold Louie. Right now, I'm playing with my drums. See ya!

