
Akane and Hybrid

"I'm bored to tears!" Akane complained as she played with a spider web. She then heard singing above her.

"This isn't the time, Louie." Akane growled at the quartet of yellow skeletal bats. The eldest bat looked offended.

"Oh excuse us! We just wanted to give you and Hybrid a package from your somebody." Louie dropped the package and led his brothers out of the room. Akane grabbed Louie as his three brothers left. She tied Louie to what looked like a summoning scroll.

"Oh yeah? How about giving this to Jess? Bye now!" Akane snapped her fingers and Louie was gone. Hybrid opened his package.

"Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas Oogie's Revenge: Villians Edition. Wait, I'm in the game too!" Hybrid read the cover and smiled evilly. He'd forgot about Akane and went to his room to play the game and kill Jack. Akane sighed and went out of her room. She went to an open space and as she ran, she created a magma maze. Halfway though, she met two strange people with red clouds on their cloaks.

"Excuse me lady, but is Jessy-chan here? Senpai and I need to capture her and bring her to Akatsuki." Tobi asked. Deidara covered Tobi's mouth.

"Make a left from Port Royal and a Right at Atlantica. That's where the portal to the Demon's realm is. She's in the door with a #1 on it. By the way, watch out for the scythes." Akane goodbye to the duo.

"What scythes un?" Deidara asked. He got hit by a scyth and fell into the lava. Akane laughed as she got near to the exit until she bumped into Oogie's shadow.

"Hehehehe...Hi." Akane smiled nervously. The Shadow pointed to the other side of the maze.

"Go to your room NOW!" Shadow Oogie demanded. Akane grumbled as she created a floating lava rock to go to her room faster. It suddenly disappeared.

"No shortcuts. You go through the maze!" The shadow pointed to the dangerous obstacles in the way. Akane groaned and went through the saws, elevators, and the swords. When she finally plunked down to her bed, she opened her gift. It was a broken heart necklace.

"A heart? After all that we've been through, she gave me a heart." Akane clapsed the necklace and cried silently with joy. She wiped her tears and put on her necklace. She went under her bed and yelled with joy.


Jess was playing under a pile of clothes when she heard a small voice.

"Help me!" Jess looked to see a yellow bat with a scroll under some underwear. Jess got the guy out.

"Thanks lady. Gee Akane's so harsh!" The bat complained.

"You know Akane?" Jess asked.

"Yep. My name's Louie! My brothers and I are Oogie's singing bats. Akane was disturbed today and she sent me away. Sigh...I want to be with my brothers." Louie said sadly. Jess felt bad for him.

"Don't worry. When I'm not grounded, I'll take you back to where you came from."

"Great. I want to reward you for your kindness. Sign your name in blood and you can summon me and my brothers in case you need something." Louie took out the scroll and unrolled it. Jess signed her name in blood and then shook her hand with Louie's. Shukaku opened the closet door.
