Love, Turky, and Pie! is it heaven? almost!

it isn't heaven... but a posability of going to Tammys on thanksgiveing! (incase if you didn't get how love, turky, and pie fit togeather)

if we go, I will try to see the movie Twilight with her! the book was amazing and I have high hopes for the movie! ^_^ i realy hope I can go! just thinking of it makes hyper! *jumps up and down like a little schoolgirl* i didn't realy do that! maybe i could bring some of my moms apple pie it is realy good! *licks lips*

...anyways... i will give out more info as the time gets closer!


i drew a great pic of Shade from the story I wrighting! I think I will ink it sometime soon... or tomarrow... or the next day...
anyways, I will try to draw Madison! but every time i tryed to draw her (twice) it didn't look that good... so i will try again soon... after i put up Shade...
after that, I will try to work on Vince and Sophie (AKA: Washuu)

in school

Well i found some free time so i desided to post! I have study hall next and I don't know what to do with it. Also, my friends are trying to tell me that I am too young to be engaged. They say that I need to have fun before I settle down with someone. I guess they forgot that i'm not the kind of person who would waist my time partying. Partying is fun, but i don't realy want to have much fun... i'm ready to be an adult... but not a father! Tammy and I going to wait on that.

what do you guys think? is 18 too young?

One more thing, i'm not getting married at 18. It will probly be 19 or 20.


it is raining here... ummmmmm... yeah that is just about it

my dads tatoo that he got last night