
hey guys, you all know i'm going to be L for halloween...

what are u guys going to be for halloween?


these are some pics that i will need this holloween for me to dress up like L... i would like to get some pics of me holding stuff like L dose. so i would like to make my own death note! here are some pics i will need to make it.

you don't have to look at them i am puting these up so i can use them later




I will leave these here so i can find them at school.

i will have to edit them to the right size and everything like that and i don't have a lot of black ink so i will have to do it in school... if i'm lucky... also i want a picture of me holding a cell phone like him!

Vince again

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Vince - Hey guys! me again... we are not sure when exactly the wedding will be... but i would like it to be at a time everyone is there... it will be on the chatbox of nights myO site... ummmmm... is that all? ... oh i also have a pic of how i will look... i don't like it cuz my hat is off
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yes i know i have a red spot in my black hair... yes it is natural and no you can't tuch it! well i thank all the people who gave there time to listen to me ramble on... so now i will now give my life story...

night - no time! *hits the "Add Post" butten*


vince - hi again! Washuu took a picture of the cake so i'm putting the pick up

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well it isn't my wedding... but it is for mine and tammys roleplaying charicters. they are Vince and Washuu.

Vince - ummmm... hi! my name is vince... i'm a vampire... and i would like to invite anyone who would like to come... but we need someone to marry us togeather... anyone like to volontier? thanks!

A great Fing day!

no realy, it was horable! there were too many things that got too me so i will list the top 5!

  • I kicked my dog because he wanted to bite me instead of letting me into my own room!
  • I stabed my hand with a pen.
  • I stappled my finger to my history packet
  • Someone trough a notebook at me
  • Some girl Spayed stuff in my hair and thought it was funny!

I realy wanted to punch someone in the face