This is what's been eating my life and killing my back lately...

So what has my Japanese Student Association been up to lately?

Well. About that! Click to see.

And if you'd like to know what the hell this crazy dance is, read about Yosakoi festivals here.

Yeah, I'm second from the right. Up front. W-What the hell, Sungtaek.

And if you're wondering why we all look confused in the first 30 seconds, it's because the sound people put on our music before we were ready.

And yes, we did randomly sample the Tell Me dance.

(By the way, this is from Culture X. Culture X is a yearly performance in which various culture clubs and other people who are pretending to be cultural put on dances, sing, or play music. It's always a good time!)

EDIT: The link isn't coming up, for some reason. Right-click on it and open it in a new window or tab to see it!
