Oh dear.

Common cold gains 100+ experience, levels up to plague!

That is the last time I try Theraflu if I hope to get any sleep, but everything else I had was only sinus-stuff. And the Theraflu worked really great! ... for four hours. I could have taken one of the sinus-things just to help me sleep, but by that point it was already 5:00. I have an oral presentation this afternoon, so taking a twelve-hour antihistamine wouldn't be smart.

... then again, with my voice half-gone, I'm not sure how this oral presentation is going to work, anyway. But this is Sekino-sensei we're talking about, so as long as I can speak, I'm doing it. ;;

There was something that made me feel ridiculously better yesterday, though: a slice of the pizza that my karate teacher brought to class. I don't usually like tomatoes at all, but I crave them when I'm sick, for some reason. So basically that pizza tasted like the most amazing thing ever. *A*

Well, since I'm up way before I actually need to be, I think I'll use this time to procure some proper cold medicine. And maybe by tonight my head will be clear enough to work on my Yuletide fic, as planned.
