Merry Accessory-mas!

I say Accessory-mas because many of my gifts were, in fact, accessories! Two scarves, two headbands, a bracelet from Dad, and a sorely needed new handbag. Other than that, I got a new wool sweater, a lovely hand-knit vest/shrug from Etsy, an apron, a little contact grill, a dish set perfect for Japanese cuisine, the first season of Community, two PS3 games (Folklore and Devil May Cry 4), two new books, and the softest bathrobe and softest throw blanket IN THE WORLD. Mom was pretty excited because, apparently, almost all of that was on sale.

She also gave me something very lovely and unique: she took some gorgeous official art postcards that came with my Mushishi DVDs and had them framed very beautifully together. It was hands-down my classiest gift.

Least classy gift: Dad wrapped a bottle of beer and put it under the tree. It was sort of the best thing ever. We are so Irish you guys.

I hope everyone had a wonderful day yesterday!
