Computer go boo...

My Hard drive went dead. Not the bad dead where I couldn't recover the data, just the annoying kind of dead where it just won't start up no matter what I tinker with.
I remember the days when things like this were easier. Granted, back then, when there were problems I was tinkering with desktop PATA HDs, not the 2.5" SATA laptops ones that my current computer uses. They are less malleable.

Anyway... A little over a month left of my tour and things are going good. The fast paced daily routine is stressing as always but I think I could manage working in a hospital back home. Granted I would first like to finish my degree beforehand.
Though, I guess it would be fine if my big brother finished before me, since that is the general path of things. I started before him, and would have finished the same way, but... I have no complaints as to the path of my life.

I'm going to miss being out here. I like the place, the quaint town, the food, my roommate. Mostly A-ko. B-ko's nice and all, but we just don't share the same things that A-ko and I do. She makes the third person I know who is so close to me. Damn... Now I'm all nostalgic. Whatever, it's a good feeling.
On a lighter note, but still depressing, I'm going to miss being able to "recharge" when I see her. I'm kinda like Abby from NCIS in that way.

As you can see I'm working on a redux of my theme, intro included. A work in progress.

Her or the wolf, who's more frightening?
Do as I say!
I may not play majong but isn't it usually played with four people?
