Squirtle squirt

Damn it's been a while. Ya know, I thought that it would be different after I passed being an intern, but it's still the same.

A-ko got me a new game. Well, not really new, but new for me. It's an old PS2 game, Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne. Now I've played Persona 3 and most of 4, and both Digital Devils Sagas from the Megaten game cannon. All of them have been creative, dark, and hours of gaming goodness. Nocturne give even more. 6 endings, it's much darker in theme than the others, the art is sleek and smexy. There may be no voice acting, but it doesn't matter. Actually it helps, since you choose your name, and with no voices the characters can call you by it. Though I do give props to the Personas I've played for tactfully getting around that. It is so engaging. The whole game starts at the end of the world.

In other gaming news, the first Persona is getting a proper release on the PSP. This means that for the first time American gamers will get the whole game with a proper translation. I have a PSP and have been really happy with some of the ports it's been getting. The first two Star Oceans being my current games. Then there's Valkyrie Profile. So you can imagine my joy. I've also been hearing that P3 is getting a port as well and the newly added item is getting to choose a female lead. Haven't heard anything else as to how that'll affect it though.

I've been looking around for a present for A-ko as thanks. Since we became roommates, we've been doing things like this. Swaping presents, lunch/dinner/coffee. We originally met while I was doing the special internship in the Middle East, she was one of the other five. When we got back to Germany, we asked to be roomed together. She a gamer and me an Anime lover and gamer. Now I've been getting her into it as well. I here it all the time at how few Gamer gals are around. I try to tell them that we aren't a endangered breed. But alas, some just don't listen.

And now, shameless plug time:
Snow in April
The Mission
Desert Punk
Dead Like Me
And finally, The writings of mine that have yet to be published by The O.

Been a while since I've advertised myself, so I do now. Comments are always welcomed.

