Ramble On

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So when I got to asking about my theory, she was quite forthcoming with the answer. So not only am I stuck with being connected to the creeper that was the old Emperor but now my whole life has been foreseen to the point dead people knew I was going to kill someone and become a leader to an ancient assassin's guild. I'm not complaining about the latter. Now the former, that's a whole other story that I've been trying to avoid.

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I wonder if my mother knew.

Now, having never actually known my mother, I kinda wondered if they even knew her. I guess it could be true and all. Sithis is a god and the Night Mother is a deity in a way as well. I was sold off almost right after she gave birth to me. According to the records I found when I killed my owner, he had bought me from someone else when I was three. Like I keep saying, he was a total perv.

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Err... I'm flattered, I guess... Yeah...

I held back the urge to tell her I wasn't a necrophiliac. It wasn't because I was afraid of her doing anything. She's chill, I know it. It was more I wanted to not seem too chill with her in front of the remaining members. I was now one of their leaders and if they thought that my conduct as the new Listener was either unbecoming or something they should be jealous of... Well, I can only foresee one outcome.

After everyone left, I stayed back and asked about LL. She told me that it was a regrettable thing but that for me to be where I am, to have gotten the position I now held and for there to be a new start to an ancient tradition, LL would have understood. Even then, as we spoke, he was being taken to Sisthis's side. Se told me that the moment he realized they had found him he welcomed their misunderstood vengeance. He had protected me. Deep down he also knew I was meant for greater things.

So, it looks like I've got myself a steady income track. It will take sometime to rebuild the Cheydinhal branch. I will also have to visit the other branches in Cyrodiil. Hopefully as time passes I can change the whole tradition aspect to something a little less rigid. Cut down on ceremony and make it more practical for a modern society.

I will also have to tell Niina. Gods only know what she'll do to celebrate. I can only imagine what new costume she'll make for me. There might be a reason to be afraid. Yeah, I might not go home yet.

To Be Continued...