Hell in a hand basket

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A job well done.

Remember that family I spoke about that I killed before my act of heroism, this is their final resting place. Someone seems to have been nice enough to bury them on the mother's old farm land. LL thought that it would be a good place to meet up once I had something. I figured that I should at least pay my respects for letting us plot more death in their old home.

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Alas, I was too late. The Black Hand had found LL and dealt with him. It wasn't looking too good for me. One little cat girl against the top brass of the Brotherhood. I am so dead.

I drew my weapon and prepared for the worst, but nothing happened. The woman just stepped forward and spoke very calmly about my loyalty. Saying things about how they knew I was not involved in the traitoring.

After I put my sword away, they let me see LL. He was dead, I mean really dead. I think they tortured him just for fun.

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Told ya.

In a strange way, I felt very at home with all this kind of talk. They all took such pleasure in killing. It was then that I knew I would so find a peaceful afterlife. Sithis was a cool dude if everyone he blesses is like this.

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Strike a pose.

I knew LL would understand my cold acceptance of their misunderstanding and of his death. He was cool like that. With luck, Sithis and the Night Mother already know of LL's loyalty and wrongful death. The dude deserves to get a good afterlife. He gave me a family, what better reason is there than that.

To Be Continued...