The Wedding of Otaku Legends

Chad: *Looks at Bob, who is now fiddling with some rosaries quietly giggling to himself* I know your pain.

R Nana: Bless you. But you’re paid to deal with him, right?

Chad: Define paid.

R Nana: I’ll keep you in my prayers

Chad: God ain’t helping me. I burnt down a church by accident when I was young and blamed it on Bob.

R Nana: *cough* All will be forgiven in time.

Chad: Well, I think we should move on. *grabs Bob’s collar* See you at the ceremony. *Nana waves as Chad drags Bob out of the room.*

Bob: *Shakes out of Chad’s grip* That was so uncalled…. *His line of sight starts to follow a familiar figure* Thank god for Key and autism.

Chad: *Looks over and sees Makoto* Bob, what did we agree upon before we entered?

Bob: *sighs* I will not attack the lolis.

Chad: And what is Makoto?

Bob: A fox

Chad: *hits Bob in the back of the head* A loli-fox! No touchy!

Bob: *Rubs head* That is so not cool.

Chad: Live with it

*Commercial break*

Announcer: Ever find yourself tired for no reason? *Some random dude nods* Do you wish you had more pep? *Dude nods again* Then get your hand on some Ramen. Yes Ramen, eaten in animes and real Japanese towns all around. It gives Naruto power, The turtles gave up pizza for it, and the local wiseman won’t even talk to you without having a bowl first.
Side Street Ramen: It make you Pimp!

*end commercial*