The Wedding of Otaku Legends

*Chad is standing in the lobby of the hotel where the couple is staying. Oddly enough Bob is reclining on a couch. Rings of duct tape cover his right arm and left leg. A crutch sits propped against the couch next to him.*

Chad: Welcome back. As you can see, Bob has returned.

Bob: *Waves* Yo! *Staggers to his feet and braces against the crutch* So, how’d the interviews go?

Chad: Well, I was able to talk to Ms Zakuro, but it would seem that Ms Jungy is back at the room.

Bob: I wonder why.

Chad: *shrugs* Well, to the second floor.

*The two hosts make their way through the hotel, passing many a cosplayer. After the tenth cosplayer, Chad tazers Bob*

Chad: *knocks on room door* Ms Jungy?

*shuffling can be heard inside and then the door opens to reveal Jungy dressed loosely in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt*

Jungy: TV. I take it you guys are here to interview me. *Opens the door to let the hosts in* Ask away.

Chad: *surveys room* Is there any particular reason you came back to the room so close to game time?

Jungy: I needed to wrap.

Chad: Wrap?

Jungy lifts her shirt to reveal bandaging wrapped around her chest. Bob collapses from slight anemia*

Chad: That was probably not the smartest move.

Jungy: *Shrugs as she lowers her shirt* I don’t find him all that threatening.

Chad: I guess I should get onto the questions. First one: Why get married at such a young age?

Jungy: Why not? People get hit by cars all the time. I might as well live it up before falling into rush hour traffic.

Chad: Valid, in its own way.

Bob: Sexy in my book