The Wedding of Otaku Legends

Chad: I rest my case. *Points to upper level* Since the expected turnout is expected to be on par with your average convention, the upper level has been fitted with two large plasma TVs that will give the live cast of the wedding. *Starts to walk to the alter* To the side of the stage we have the organ. I don’t know who will be our player, but I expect lots.

Bob: Hey, there’s a large bowl of water here. *Moves to drink from it*

Chad: *Stops Bob* That’s holy water, and if you were looking when we walked in, there is another at the entrance.

Bob: *giggles* Christians are funny.

Chad: Sigh…. *Goes into back room* Excuse me? Reverend Nana?

R. Nana: *Turns to greet the hosts* Ah, I was told about this. So this is some kind of TV show people with no lives watch then?

Chad: *sweat drop* I wouldn’t say no lives.

R Nana: *Shrugs* Tomato, Tamato. So what can I do for you, lads? *looks at Bob, who is sniffing Nana’s robes* Is he okay?

Chad: Define “Okay”

R Nana: Ah.

Chad: I was wondering Reverend, how many of this type of wedding have you done before?

R Nana: This one will make my tenth. I got the idea from a friend of mine, Bishop Yatzey. We both are fans of anime and we were watching some show on those weird weddings that other geeks sometimes do.

Chad: Do you charge for your services?

R. Nana: No, the lord Jesus does. I ask for donations after the service. All donators get a free plushy.

Chad: Now, I was looking at the casting and found that the Bride’s Maid is also a Nana. Any relation?

R Nana: She’s my sister. Yeah I know she’s a Diclonious, but she’s quite timid… Most of the time… Just don’t show her any Loli-yuri.