Dead Like Me

I hand the clerk my credit card, “You don’t say.”

“Sign here,” The clerk handed me a receipt.

“How tragic.” I glance at Toby, who is trying to grab a pen that sat on the counter.

“Have a good day, ma’am.” The clerk says as I grab the book and leave.

“How did you get this job anyway?” Toby asks as we leave the store.

“I died.” I say flatly as I check the PDA again. I look at Toby, “So, you gonna pass on or what?”

“I just ask how I am to do that.”

“And I said ask someone else.” I open the door to my car, “Well, get in. I have a 4:10 appointment at a sushi bar.”

Toby reluctantly sat down in the passenger seat, “Who’s going to die now?”

“An A. Lewis.” I toss my bag on the back seat and close my door, “My sickle is in the back seat.”

“Are there more of your kind?” Toby asks as I back out of the parking spot.

“I told ya this ain’t the middle ages. We’re broken off into different departments. I’m in the outside influence department. Everything from falling down a flight of stairs to suicide. Worst one I’ve seen was in a meat packing plant. Dude fell into the grinder.”

“How did you get into the plant?”

“I’m undead, if I don’t want to be seen then I won’t be.”


We spent the rest of the drive to the bar in silence. I have been to this place before, and if I remember correctly there is a hibachi side. Most likely some drunk idiot will get it. When the goblins don’t help me, it’s like a game of Clue. Find the high risk factors and the potential victims. If I’m lucky, A. Lewis will have a reservation.

“Welcome,” The cute looking hostess greets me as I enter, “Will you be at the bar today?”

I shake my head, “No, I am actually with the A. Lewis party.”

The woman nodded, “They are at table 4.”

“Come on,” I motion for Toby to follow, “If all the seats are taken you’ll have to stand.”


As I arrive at table 4 I see a very business looking man with other business looking people, “Mr. Lewis?” I stop behind the group.

A thirty-something black haired man looks at me, “Yes?”

I extend my hand, “I’m Allison Long from the New York branch.”

“I don’t remember hearing about anyone from New York coming.” He took my hand all the same.

“It was last minute. I was in town and my boss told me to come here.”
“Well, have a seat Allison.”

I sit at the end of the table and watch as the chef comes with the food cart, “Ah, looks like we have a new guest.” He bows slightly towards me, “And what will you be having?”

“Whatever you got with you.” I grab the sake and pour myself a cup.

The chef smiles and starts his cooking show. I look at Toby, “So how do you think it will happen?”

“I don’t know.” He watches as flames shoot up from the grill, “The dude catches fire.”

“I was thinking that, but from the look on the deathling’s face that killed you, it most likely will be more gruesome.” As if coming at request, one of the goblins appears in the seat next to me. I lazily pour him a glass of sake, “Speak of the devil.” I check my watch, two minutes.

The goblin downs the drink and gives a quiet growl. The chef was doing some kind of knife show. It is only a flash, a small speck of light as the tip of one of the knives breaks and lodges itself into A. Lewis’s neck. A spurt of blood and an all too familiar scattering of people.

“You’re not from New York are you.” Mr. Lewis says as he watches his co-workers try and help him.

“I lived there some time back.” I grab the sake bottle and hook my arms in my two dead guys’ arms and leave the bar. I’ve got a schedule to keep and death waits for no one.